
How Blackstar ditched the mains transformer to make the St James series the lightest 50-watt valve amps ever

Amplifier wizard Paul Stevens tells the tale of the R&D behind the newest and most futuristic valve amps on the block.

布莱克斯塔尔新的圣詹姆斯放大器已经很长时间了。布莱克斯塔尔(Blackstar)的首席工程师保罗·史蒂文斯(Paul Stevens)告诉我们:“我们没有把它们放在一起,让它很令人满意。”“在我们推出它之前,已经有几年的发展了 - 至少一年我们才对此感到模糊地满意。”

原因?Amps包装成令人印象深刻的新技术,同时非常轻巧,并且剩余的善意阀放大器穿越。拉开它,制作放大器still sound excellent,为阀门提供了一个很好的理由,可以抵御数字多合一解决方案的诱人吸引力。

布莱克斯塔尔(Blackstar)在圣詹姆斯放大器(St James Amps)的营销已经归零了体重问题 - 但最终,这表明了更大的东西:纯粹的便利性。阀门放大器面临着踏板大小的小型单元的艰难竞争,这些单元可以在演出袋中滑入,并插入几乎任何PA以供实时使用,或者如果需要快速制作Tiktok或Instagram视频,则直接进入界面。现在,它们听起来比以往任何时候都好。


保罗敏锐地意识到这是一个问题:“我本人是一名玩家,除了设计它们外,我已经玩了40年的阀门放大器[Paul的Long CV包括Peavey,Trace Elliot,Cornford等等],我也喜欢它们听起来不错的事实。但是我对体重感到恼火。越来越多的产品听起来不错,但不是阀门。当您看到所有这些其他令人讨厌的新产品时,越来越难以证明坚持阀门越来越困难,而且听起来几乎同样出色。这就是人们已经暂时要求的 - 他们喜欢声音,但他们希望减轻体重。”


Blackstar St. James Combo

Unlimited power

阀放大器的最重组件是电源变压器,负责接管AC壁电压并将其插入放大器的各个部分。传统的线性变压器是一件简单的事物,但很重:一块大块铁,用厚的电线包裹,根据需要在不同的点上敲击。因此,当Blackstar着手创建轻型阀放大器时,这是第一件事。In its place would be a Switching Mode Power Supply, or SMPS: these are found across countless devices such as phone chargers, PC power supplies and so on, but it wasn’t just a case of throwing one into a prototype and calling it a day.

“阀放大器有许多不同的耗材。Apart from the basic high-voltage, there’s another low-voltage for the heaters, there’s other low-voltage supplies for any other support circuitry like the DSP chips or the op-amps, and an extra supply for the bias – it’s quite a complicated thing,” Paul says. “The SMPS in laptops or phone chargers are normally quite simple – just one voltage. You can get those things off the shelf and it’s easy. Whereas this was quite a feat of engineering to get it to actually work.”

虽然您不太可能在正常情况下吹SMP,但正在驱动吉他放大器难的。The St James’ supply “needed to be able to withstand all the endurance and heat testing, as we didn’t want an amp that would shut down after an hour of playing. We were testing these things for 24 hours flat.”


SMP比变压器轻得多,但带有许多周围电路 - 一系列二极管整流器,MOSFET和滤波器电容器正在努力将AC电压转变为AMP所需的功能。因此,最初的原型“在噪音中存在很多问题,这并不奇怪。我们不得不改变接地的方式,各种各样的事情 - 悄悄地,可靠地表现出色是一个非常挑战的挑战。”

Blackstar St. James Cab钻机

The right technology for the right job


放大器和橱柜的木制品使用烛光,这是一种轻巧但相当坚固的木材,偶尔用于吉他尸体。至于其声学特性,使用这种轻木的任何不必要的声音结果都可以从整体上熨烫:“使用烛光木材,就像所有事物一样,都会产生效果,”保罗解释说。“Everythingis going to affect the sound to a lesser or greater degree. But we can design out any detriments with other methods. Again, it all comes down to the listening.”

The world of guitar equipment does have a rather odd relationship with wood choices, as it does with a lot of components with quote-unquote ‘mojo.’ Often the formula is something along the lines of: the harder to use or find, the better it is. The five-kilogram all-mahoganyLes Paul。神话二极管。管本身在一定程度上。但是保罗解释说,布莱克斯塔尔并没有真正注意这些态度:“但是您到达那里并不重要,最终的声音是重要的,”他说。

同样,保罗指出,布莱克斯塔尔的放大器有时会受到一小群纯粹主义者的批评,因为他们使用操作放大器来增强阀门电路。“人们声称这并不是真正的'阀门。’如果在前置放大器中有阀门产生超速驱动器和电源放大器中的阀门,我们很乐意将放大器称为阀门。如果我们碰巧使用事物之间的操作放大器,用于缓冲,塑造等式,以降低阻抗来管理噪音 - 这都是好东西!人们情欲想到有一个KlonCentaur在他们的链条中……好吧,您认为那里有什么?一堆运算放大器!

“我们基本上将正确的技术用于正确的工作来获得我们想要的声音。这归结为我们花费原型,倾听并圆圈的时间。It’s worth it in the end, as the amp comes out and you’re really happy with it – it’s the same as doing a song mix, you know, you can go round in circles, mixing this way, that way, ‘go back to the one we had the week before…’ Eventually, you have to draw a line or you’ll never put anything out.”

In terms of the “right technology for the right job,” you might have been surprised by the St James series’ use of ferrite-magnet speakers rather than neodymium, which has long-been the de-facto weight-saving choice for guitar amplifiers. “We had a meeting withCelestion并解释了我们在做什么,我们确实谈论过使用霓虹灯。”保罗说。然而,他还指出,霓虹灯作为首选减轻体重的地位意味着铁氧体磁铁的节省重量的发展没有被推动。“因此,我们问我们是否可以使用铁矿使它们轻巧。Celestion对此进行了调查,因为任何可能会损失重量的地方 - 与赛车一样。他们对如何重新设计磁性结构的几何形状并减轻了很多重量感到惊讶。”

“它与输出变压器相同,在其他地方我们正在减轻体重和补偿 - 这不是Hi-Fi,这是吉他放大器,并且让它们以某种方式运行绝对可以有益。”


提到高保真版,使我们想起了阀门世界的更广泛地位:供应链受到俄罗斯对乌克兰的入侵的影响,其中一些主要的阀门工厂受制裁影响。这种情况导致美国高保真品牌Western Electric几十年来首次将管子生产带回美国。但是,甚至在入侵和随后的制裁之前,该连锁店并不是特别稳定,工厂的交货时间得到了许多关闭的支持。

But for the St James amps specifically, the outlook is a little brighter, “mainly because the tubes in the St James amps are some of the most common ones.” These are the tubes that are still easy to find, and likely aren’t going anywhere anytime soon – regardless of any western manufacturers taking up the mantle.

但是,保罗知道更大的情况。“我的意思是,当我进入该行业的这一方面时,有点担心,这是冷战的终结 - 许多阀门公司都被关闭了。看起来真的很棘手,就像我们可能会有一种情况,吉他放大器使用阀门将成为过去的事,但是突然之间,我们让Sovtek做了很好的东西,而且一切都变得更好了。然后显然中国人变得更好。因此,除了乌克兰发生的事情外,这几乎就像回到冷战时期一样。有点不确定性。”


“人们can complain if you use an op-amp in place of what could be a valve – but op-amps are more versatile in a lot of ways, so we use the valves for what they’re best at: all the overdrive, all the warmth and so on. And because we’re a fairly young company, without the stigma of our past products, we don’t feel the need to make them ‘all’ valve – it just adds a lot of size and cost.

“如果供应does成为一个问题,您无法制作那么多安培。We make amps in the thousands – if we had, two or three times the valves in there just for the sake of saying it’s ‘all’ valve, then we would be able to make a half or a third of the amount of amps at time.”



将Blackstar的最新数字机柜模拟Cabrig集成到St James是便利硬币的另一面。如果阀门不符合2022年的标准,则没有任何权重的阀门放大器,以较低的阶段量和更高的连通性。Early versions of the St James were set to have the same analogue cab-sim technology as earlier Blackstar amps, however, as luck would have it, the digital side of Blackstar’s design team informed Paul of their work on CabRig – a perfect match for the convenient, modern update to the valve amp.

Notably, the sound achieved in the CabRig software can be done so silently, but still using the entire amp – power amp, audio transformer and all. Normally, this requires something like aUniversal Audio Ox-Boxor aTwo Notes Torpedo Captor:一块电路,在放大器的输出上载有负载,以免在此过程中实现无限阻抗并炸毁。

这些取决于它们的功率等级,可能会很重 - 但是布莱克斯塔尔在不增加重量的情况下加载放大器的解决方案很简单,正如保罗所解释的:“在这里,我们有一个50瓦的开关,下降到两瓦。因此,如果您使用没有扬声器插入的没有放大器,它会自动将其降低到两瓦,然后加载它 - 因此,当您记录时,整个电源部分仍在使用。但是,由于只有两瓦,因此反应载荷的尺寸和重量可能会小得多。

“If you do have a speaker plugged in, that’ll be loading the amplifier, even when you’re using the CabRig software. Either way – it’s always safe, and the whole circuit, preamp, power amp, output transformer, is being used to get your sound.”

This is part of the reason Paul is genuinely excited when he talks about switching over to use the St James amps. “I hate to use the phrase one-size-fits all, it’s a pretty cheesy comment, but for me this is actually the first time I can use one amp for all the different playing scenarios – in rehearsal, with in-ears, all of it. I just go to the gig now and the engineer plugs in an XLR – and that’s it! But you can grab hold of the knobs and turn them, you don’t have to go into any menus.”

Blackstar St. James Panel


那么,保罗是否希望看到其他品牌在圣詹姆斯的自加载,轻量级阀放大器的方法中效仿?“说实话。如果圣詹姆斯被认为是成功的,我认为我们可能也会看到SMP也被更多地使用。就像其他任何事情一样 - 我们不渴望旧的重型手机,我们自己的重型笔记本电脑 - 我们对1980年代人们曾经随身携带的砖头笑了。就我个人而言,我不会回到周围的重型立体声钻机!它会在eBay上或在现金转换器上倒下。我认为很多人会看着这些,然后走,“好吧,我们现在不想要沉重的东西。”然后,自然而然的市场将会赶上。”

As for the future of the St James series itself, eagle-eyed early-adopters might already have seen a clue. “I can tell you that there has already been a slip-up,” Paul says. “We’ve released two heads, two cabs and two combos. Now. In the manual, which I wrote, I was trying to future-proof it. And Ihappenedto mention a couple of other products. And that manual is online on the website now. So yes, there are two more products on the way.”

这些恰好是一对2×12连击 - 与1×12连击和头部一样。“I think it’s on the first page, where it says ‘Thank you for buying this Blackstar product’, and so on, this manual covers the following…’ And I looked at it earlier, because I wanted to reference something, and thought, ‘Oh, shit!’ It’s out now, anyways!”

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