
“这张专辑是我弄清楚乐观的实用性比在悲观主义中更多的效用”:沃克斯特的马修·墨菲(Matthew Murphy)放开控制权

标志性独立三人组的歌手和吉他手Matthew“ Murph” Murph,Wombats坐下来,与我们聊天,谈论他在全球范围内的新乐观外观传播了厄运和忧郁。


Their brand new record explores the idea of letting go of what you can’t control and was brought to life during a time when we all had to deal with exactly that as Covid reared its ugly head: “Dan and Tord flew to LA and we started writing together in my studio, we did that two or three times and then everything went to hell in a handbasket didn’t it?”马修·墨菲(Matthew Murphy)(称为Murph)在他说的话时散发出他通常的悠闲能量:“我有点在洛杉矶完成了其余的能量,仅此而已。在那之后我没看到这些家伙。”


新唱片被巩固为融合了墨尔夫(Murph)脑海中的思想和感觉。They eventually evolved into a collection of songs that showcase both fleeting moments of existentialism and feelings of acceptance towards the mess our world is in, but he won’t give too much away on the real depths of each song: “I like to put a bit more ambiguity into songs now than I may have done in the past and I feel like that’s important for them to be able to live their own lives almost.”


袋鼠 - 修复自己,而不是世界
袋鼠 - 修理自己,而不是世界。图片:Eboy


他们以前的唱片帮助这些家伙在他的地面上奔跑,他解释说:“我对此感到非常满意,它为我们做了很多伟大的事情,我几乎在充满活力的情况下骑着这一动力。”从音乐上,艺术家等艺术家大卫·鲍伊大卫·伯恩(David Byrne)是记录中仪器的动力来源,“我们想让其中大量的吉他绊倒。”

他注意到黄昏Phaser是录音过程的关键要素,但是当涉及吉他时,由于洛杉矶64 Sound Studio的大量吉他,Murph不记得使用了什么:“他们有很多乐器,这么多吉他。那里有150个,所以我不知道我们弹的吉他,我们只是在挑选随机的吉他,看看他们听起来的样子。”尽管在我们心爱的乐器方面与一些新朋友一起玩,但他也倾向于一些经典的选择,“我一直是一个橙子放大器的家伙和挡泥板家伙。我通常去找一个电视广播员通过AD30。”




Box Tik’d

可以说,这次巡演可能会在人群中说一些新鲜面孔,我们无法与墨菲聊天,而没有询问他们的歌曲的混音,希腊悲剧, which exploded in popularity on TikTok: “I’d never heard the remix before, it’s funny how it happened during the writing of this album with the themes that were going on of letting go and that you aren’t as in control as you think; it was completely random that an influencer would somehow get a copy of this song and start singing it and it somehow took off. It was very strange.” Gen-Z’s favourite app is a powerhouse when it comes to the modern music world, surfacing new artists and bringing classic tracks back to life every day.

它对音乐行业的影响是非凡的,但是当涉及到年轻的人群时,看来,袋鼠已经习惯了他们不断增长的粉丝群:“在Tiktok发生的事情发生之前,我们看到很多新的年轻粉丝找到了我们的目录,听到了听到的声音about us and turning up at shows and we still don’t really understand it to this day. It was a macro version of everything we’ve seen before, it’s so weird it doesn’t really feel like it happened to us.”

Tiktok上的Wombats的官方帐户有超过120,000个关注者和新曲目工作很容易,生活很艰难explores the ugly side and pressures of social media in the era of cancel culture we find ourselves in. With lyrics of ‘why don’t you chop my tongue out?’ and ‘you don’t speak for me’, Murph admits it’s something he thinks about a lot, “You can’t write a good song with that crap going around your head. You can’t start self-censoring yourself in a creative environment, it’s just bad on so many levels and it’s gonna negatively impact the music and art someone makes.”

He shakes his head, “I feel it’s important as an artist to feel very free in the studio or creative workplace but if there’s anything kind of risky you can figure that out later with the help of someone who has more brain cells than you do!” He chuckles. “I don’t really like to write political songs and I still dont think it’s a political song but it is knocking on that door a little bit. It’s not something I’m gonna get into the habit of doing, they’re quite difficult to pull off.”






