
如何在任何预算中获得Stevie Ray Vaughan语气

在SRV专家和桃吉他头Honcho John Priest的帮助下,我们已经编译了最终的信号链来让您听起来像SRV一样 - 无论是泼现金还是保持紧张。

约翰牧师是科尔切斯特桃吉他的主人,但除了作为英国最大的吉他展厅的监护人,他的激情是Stevie Ray Vaughan.。约翰被SRV的臭虫作为一个孩子咬伤,总结了,“花了岁月,试图指导那种语调”。在这里,他与你真正需要捕获的史蒂夫射线听起来自己的艰苦智慧,并挑出一些将让你关闭的平台钻机......


John Priest is thinking back to the moment that he first encountered Stevie Ray Vaughan’s guitar playing, but for a man who has subsequently devoted a fair amount of time, effort and hard-earned cash in the pursuit of nailing that most sought-after tone, he wasn’t as hooked as you’d expect. A paid-upHendrix.在那一点的痴迷中,他得到了适当的兴趣,但直到他的父亲带着一份副本无法忍受天气他经历了史蒂维的承担,伏都教孩子(轻微回报)


John Priest of Peach Guitars与MasterBuilt Strat,在我们的“薄荷”钻机中有一个骄傲的地方

“事实上,这是吉米的版本的直接撕裂,它真的是它的史蒂夫版本,”约翰反映了。“当其他家伙试图听起来像其他吉他手一样,他们可以真正接近,他们钉了声音,氛围和所有的吉他手。但是,当史蒂维做到了 - 当他脱掉艾伯特国王和亨德里克斯和伦妮麦克斯时 - 它仍然听起来就像他一样,这是我为什么爱他的演奏和他的语气和一切都是如此最大的事情。

“无论他做了什么,无论他扮演什么吉他和齿轮,它总是听起来像他一样。他的演奏中只有一个激情和表达 - 他设法让灵魂和技术都进入一个,我认为这是我今天仍然喜欢听他的比赛的主要原因。“

Stevie Ray Vaughan Stratocasters
约翰的自定义商店SRV Strats - '1'和'Lenny' - 在老式挡泥板超级混响和VIBROBERB安培面前,他受青睐



“我觉得很多人 - 可能是我自己包括!- 尝试和学习太快,“他解释道。“他们试着做到Scuttle Buttin'在第一次尝试然后失败。在声音方面,你真的要回到那个收益 - 他的声音很少。人们倾向于使用增益和方程和压缩来掩盖他们的声音,但这种声音真的确实来自大声转动并用踏板打击它。一旦你使用太多的压缩并让自己轻松,这就是你没有得到他所知道的巨大的基调。“



“玩耍是一个非常硬的声音,因为它是关于功率阶段的驱动而不是前置放大器的收益,”约翰说。“You can get some passable tones at home at low volumes if you do crank the gain up a little bit more, but when you turn the amp up, if you’re using too much gain, you don’t get the dynamics of his sound.

“他对我最好的语气正在进行中住在el mocambo,当他有两个挡泥板amps – the Vibroverb and the Super Reverb and that’s about it – he’s basically just using a Tube Screamer and he’s getting so much out of the guitar, just through power stage drive from the amps, and then just hitting the Tube Screamer harder when he wants a little bit more volume and a little bit of extra give up the high-end past the 12th fret.”

SRV音调的另一个关键组成部分,也许是最常见的辩论,但也许最容易尝试自己 - 超级繁重的琴弦。

“你必须拥有大字符串,它必须被调整为e♭,”约翰坚持。“事实上,调音是最大的部分。If you don’t want to go to the 0.013-0.058s that Stevie used, even if you just use 0.010s, I think when you tune down to E♭ it just gives you that extra low-end punch, and it definitely shifts the frequency of the treble down a bit so you get that brightness without it being so harsh. Then you’ve got to get the amp to the point where it’s just on the edge of breaking up, and then hit it with a low-gain overdrive.”


As befits a someone who owns one of Britain’s most respected guitar stores, it’s perhaps unsurprising that John also has plenty of advice about what gear you should buy if you’re really trying to nail the Stevie Ray Vaughan tone, and so it wasn’t hard for him to sit down and pull together two exemplar rigs that will get you as close as possible.

One of them, is for the discerning SRV aficionado prepared to drop serious cash on a rig, the other for someone looking to capture the essence of his tone on a budget, but they have one thing in common – they’ll both get you closer to that sound you’ve been chasing.


FENDER Stratocaster W两个岩石银英斯特林签名

对于高端钻机,吉他选择似乎略微不协调。毕竟挡泥板定制商店多年来已经制作了各种SRV吉他(约翰拥有或拥有的许多人),所以他选择了定期定制商店60s strat有点令人惊讶。


FENDER Stratocaster W Blues Junior

在较便宜的刻度结束时,约翰挑选了挡泥板的球员Stratocaster尽管价格谦虚地,但它是一个吉他,可以为SRV Wannabe提供负担。




Given that Stevie Ray’s use of Alexander Dumble’s amps later on in his career contributed significantly to the legend surrounding them in modern guitar culture, it’s perhaps no surprise to see our premium rig blessed with an amp from a brand that is hugely respected for its Dumble-style circuits,双摇滚。虽然在这种情况下,银英液签名与简单的“笨拙的克隆”完全有趣。

“我真的很喜欢银英斯特林签名,因为我只是爱史蒂维的语气住在el mocambo,这只是挡泥板安培。然后后来,当他开始在外面玩更大的演出时,40-50瓦的围栏放大器永远不会在低端声音或足够的砰砰声中施加足够的渗透,所以他经常在钢琴歌手中混合所以他仍然在低端的巨大砰砰声,高点的清晰度。


FENDER Stratocaster W两个岩石银英斯特林签名

“I’d never call the Two-Rocks Dumble clones, because Eli and the guys over there are just amp nuts, and they love all kinds of amps, not just the Dumbles – Eli’s got a wonderful collection of guitars and amps, and he’s become a good friend since we started selling Two-Rock amps. And we’re both Stevie nuts, so I think if you want that Stevie-style Dumble tone, there’s nobody better than Two-Rock to help you achieve that sound. It’s not an easy sound to play with, but if you put the effort in, that is just the key to that sort of tone. Very little compression, not too much gain, not too much top end, and it just gives you that clarity with lots of bottom end.”






We couldn’t round this out without the effects – after all, Stevie Ray is a big part of why you won’t find many pedalboards without a Tube Screamer on them these days – but when it comes to giving some dirt to our ‘Minted’ rig, John has opted for a pair of pedals from UK builder国王语气,Duellist和Minifuzz Si

“大尔斯主义是显而易见的选择,因为杰西戴维,谁是国王语气背后的男人,是一个像我这样的男人,他们花了几年,曾试图指导那个语气,”约翰反映。“Jesse知道如何倾听声音,然后制作一个可以实现这种声音的盒子。他进入最小的细节来制作这些踏板并实现那声音 - 没有其他人有资格制作像杰西这样的踏板。



“任何熟悉1989年奥斯汀城市限制的史蒂夫语气的人都知道这是一个非常原始的声音模糊,很大的顶端 - 他仍然希望在那里的清晰度。所以这国王口气对我来说是一个非常好的模糊的选择,因为它只是清理得很好 - 这真的很不寻常,因为当他们寻找真正的滚动时,人们通常会去锗般的模糊。“

WAH是史蒂维的基于地板的阿森纳的另一个关键部分,Xotic.踏板是约翰的选择 - 但不一定是因为在船上发现的大量调整潜力。

“我纯粹选择了X;它听起来很好,”他笑了。“It does have tweakable controls for the bass, treble and frequency range, but with everything on halfway, it just sounds how I want a wah to sound – it’s very vocal, has a chewy sounding treble, the bass isn’t too fluffy… for me it just does it!”

FELER Stratocaster W Blues Junior / Cry Baby Wah / Tube Screamer

在更实惠的事情上,约翰一直保持简单和基本的东西,选择一个邓禄普Crybaby Wah和那种重要的管尖叫者指甲 - 在这种情况下,Ibanez的超级经济实惠的迷你版本。

“我觉得Ts Mini.听起来很棒,“约翰言论。“对我来说,我听不到那个,TS-9和TS808之间的差异很大Ibanez.目前做。他们对金钱的价值很大,他们工作得很好,听起来很棒,这很小的蓝调JR!“


Skinted Rig.



