
“我相信电吉他有未来,而不仅仅是过去”汤姆·莫雷洛(Tom Morello

The Rage Against The Machine legend tells us why he’s happy to embrace his pop side, how his latest album demonstrates that the creative potential of the guitar is undimmed, and why he recorded his guitar parts on a voice memo.

您可能会在某种手机上阅读此信息,并且很容易忘记您手中掌握的现代技术的奇迹。那个小黑色矩形内部的大量力量使您能够在几十年前的帽子下面做各种各样的事情。但是,如果您是汤姆·莫雷洛(Tom Morello),那就有理由将事情推到了正常人会做什么的范围之外,对吗?

“I recorded 95 per cent of the guitars into the voice memo of my phone,” the Rage Against The Machine legend states matter of factly over Zoom from his home studio as we sit down to chat about地图集地下洪水, the second of two soloAtlas Undergroundalbums the guitarist has released this year.

Hold up though, did he just say the语音备忘录在他的手机上?不喜欢GarageBand或其他任何可用的基于电话的录音解决方案吗?

“在电话上,伙计!”他惊呼,举起他的旧iPhone强调。“I’d have the phone like this, hitting the red button on the voice memo, sitting on a folding chair, right over there…” he turns the camera round and sure enough, there’s a metal folding chair sat in front of the Marshall 2205 the guitarist has used since the earliest days of Rage Against The Machine. “Sitting on that folding chair right there! And there’s no engineer so it’s like, ‘Should it be six inches away? Should it be two feet away? I don’t know!’”



“灵感来自一个非常不寻常的地方。我读了一篇文章,坎耶·韦斯特(Kanye West)描述的是,他的几张唱片将主唱录制为手机的配音备忘录。所以我想,‘好吧,让我们看看吉他的声音!’听起来很棒。这很疯狂。我要扔掉所有这些昂贵的麦克风!”

Flood risk

The Atlas Underground Fire,以及从十月开始的兄弟姐妹,这些唱片几乎是令人讨厌的折衷主义 - 听起来甚至没有遥不可及,每条曲目都看到莫雷洛(Morello)将他的独特吉他风格带入了一首由不同的艺术家或艺术家创作的歌曲,就像布鲁斯·斯普林斯汀(Bruce Springsteen)和艾德斯(Bruce Springsteen)和艾德斯(Ben Harper)和本·哈珀(Ben Harper)和X一样多样大使。但这都是计划的一部分。

“When every day was feeling exactly the same, it was a way to add a tremendous amount of diversity, and to be creative at the same time,” says Morello. “Also, The Clash is my favorite band and I was very inspired by their record London Calling, which is an album that has an overarching sort of curated vision, but is tremendously diverse, genre-wise. And that’s what I was aiming for with this – where the guitar as the lead voice and the common thread through all the songs on both records, but being able to sort of stylistically jump around with that anchor of my electric guitar.”


“每天我都会来这里记录一些即兴演奏,舔,想法,纹理。然后,我只是决定要把它们送到谁。”他说。“So sometimes it was going through my own personal Rolodex of friends – whether it’s Springsteen, or Damian Marley, or Phantogram – or discovering new artists, via Spotify, or asking friends who have cooler musical tastes than I do what they’ve been listening to.”

One of the album’s most notable collaborations from a guitar perspecitve isI Have Seen The Way,它汇集了莫雷洛(Morello),柯克·哈米特(Kirk Hammett)和亚历克斯·利森(Alex Lifeson)的三个乐器图标,并用吉他免费将它们彼此相提并论。

“Kirk one of the first people I saw, after being locked down for about a year,” Morellor recalls. “I ran into him at a thing, and we were marveling at the fact that we had never played together. And I was in the midst of doing a bunch of songs, so I said, ‘Well, can I send you a track?’ So I did, and I said to him, ‘This is kind of like a no holds barred thing!’ I had done a song with Slash that was like a real head-cutting song calledInterstate 80,我们在那里互相对抗,这非常有趣。

“所以我对库尔特说,‘让我们就果酱。让我们继续前进。我们可以稍后将其放在一起!’然后我有了启示。我刚刚听到亚历克斯·利森(Alex Lifeson)的来信,他只是祝我在大流行中一切顺利,我就像,‘Alex Lifeson - 是的!为什么没有我最喜欢的两个吉他演奏者!?我只是派出了曲目,并说:“只要做您想做的任何事情”,然后我做了同样的事情,然后我们将其编辑成Alex对Kirk ves Kirk vess vs tom。”

汤姆·莫雷洛- Atlas Underground Flood

Top of the pops

一个惊人的功能The Atlas Underground Fireis how poppy many of the songs sound – it might be a little jarring to those of us who see Tom Morello as a standard bearer for everything that is against pop, but for the man himself, the ability to inhabit genres that he might not otherwise is part of the appeal.

莫雷洛坚持说:“我知道粉丝倾向于是传统主义者,而我从未放过的一件事是疯狂的吉他独奏和大摇摆的即兴演奏。”“但是把它带回到伦敦打电话类比,这是一个可能具有的记录徒劳的训练andClampdown在上面,你知道吗?因此,在与这些不同类型的艺术家合作时可以自由放手是很酷的。I have a lot of Type A in me, but one of the things that was very liberating during this time was to just say, ‘Andrew McMahon, what kind of song do you want to do?’ And he would send back a couple of suggestions and I’d be like, ‘Okay let’s kind of hone in on that one and see how I can apply myself to it’.

And that song in particular,The Maze,在频谱的弹出端,所有组件的所有部分都是吉他。听起来像是键盘和样品,但所有的吉他都被切碎了。因此,对我来说,挑战是从这个声音大教堂中创造出这种马赛克,这张美丽的旋律和歌曲。”

而且,您怀疑这是所有这一切的重点 - 证明吉他仍然可以在所有这些不同和多样化的流派中都有一个位置,并且不仅仅是一种摇滚乐器。

“I firmly believe that the electric guitar is the greatest instrument ever invented by humankind,” Morello says, deliberately. “There’s a lot of evidence to back that up – from the most subtle nuance to stadium-destroying power, there’s never been an instrument like it. But I also believe that the electric guitar has a future and not just the past. And that’s what theseandFlood唱片坚持认为 - 有多种方法可以用现代音乐来创造合金,这些合金并没有放开我们喜欢的电吉他的任何令人敬畏的东西,但并没有陷入传统主义中。

The sales statistics make it abundantly clear that guitar remains a hugely popular instrument, but it’s clearly not as prominent as it once was – something that Morello acknowledges, and certainly wants to challenge.

他说:“吉他现在正在用在卧室里创造唱片的人用作构图工具。”“But rather than gunslinger of the past, where you spend eight hours a day for 10 years practising, and then you come out to destroy the other guy in the head-cutting competition… that’s not so much a thing – I miss that – but it’s not so much of a thing anymore! It has entered the world where people have a keyboard, they have a drum machine and they have a guitar – it’s part of the template that people are using when composing music.

“But my assertion is – and this is where I do hang on to the traditionalism – that guitar solos and big rock riffs can very much be a part of that future as well. I think it’s just a matter of insisting! And that’s what I’ve done on theandFloodrecords, I’ve insisted that that be the case.



虽然录音方法可能是非常游击队的,但莫雷洛(Morello)用来发出声音的装备肯定不是。He plugged into his trusty Marshall 2205, the effects pedals that have been on his board for decades, and the guitars he had at home which he says number about 30. That didn’t mean he wasn’t going outside of his comfort zone with it, however.

地图集地下洪水是我制作的第22张录音室专辑,但这是完全不同的。”他坚持说。“因为通常您的记录,所以您坐下来聆听,然后做多重练习 - 这一切都没有!我的手机坐在椅子上,您打了唱片,这是今天的四个想法,然后将它们运送到任何人 - 无论是被拒绝还是萨玛的阿卜杜勒哈迪,还是吉姆·詹姆斯。

“And then one of those, or two of those, or all of those原样成为歌曲。它确实在某种程度上解放了。例如,Hard Times是我有史以来第一枚吉他的50美元吉他 - 这是SG仿制。But one night, those guys were actually in the studio, and they hit me up like, ‘Hey send us some riffs, we got Jim James in the studio!’ And I’m like, ‘Great!’ So I just pulled that one out, recorded about five riffs, they picked two of them and the song was done, just like that. So I like the spontaneity of it.”

最终,这些唱片是关于莫雷洛(Morello)向自己证明的东西 - 就像我们许多人在大流行的早期几个月里,他从他身上吸收了灵感,并把他留在了一个创意的地方。

“During the first four months of lockdown, I didn’t touch a guitar,” he reveals. “For the first time in my life, I didn’t touch a guitar, I didn’t play, I was completely uninspired creatively. But as the time went on I was like, ‘This is an opportunity to really push myself as a guitar player… and to outflank some of the things I’ve done before.’ So you’ve got the flamenco-shreddery战士精神到圣霍洛轨道[A Radical In The Family],这是这个空灵的,词典,然后哈林地狱战士which is just a fucking an EDM, heavy metal jam. And then there’s the Sama’ Abdulhadi one [On The Short Of Eternity]就像这种八分钟的阿拉伯语Trance,Coltrane是一种氛围。我看这四首歌,我对自己的位置感觉很好。在这个锁定期间,我没有受到阻碍,我能够向前推进!”

地图集地下洪水现在已经开始妈妈 +流行记录