

For a rock band, Queen came out with some outlandish chord sequences – but they were often played on piano. Let’s see if we can adapt them for the guitar…


回到20世纪70年代,我们发现王后的歌曲,特别是歌手/钢琴家弗雷迪水星的歌曲,这是利用数十个不同的和弦。Though originating on piano, this kind of chord sequence can be played on guitar by plucking the bass note with the thumb, to mimic the pianist’s left hand, and using the index and middle and ring fingers to play the upper notes of the chord, which would be played by the pianist’s right hand.

女王Chord Clinic figure 1



The ‘cut-off’ effect of staccato can be achieved either by releasing the pressure from the fret hand, but leaving the fingers in touch with the strings, or by damping the strings with the pick-hand fingers shortly before re-picking the chord. See which approach works best for you.

Brian May Vox AMP

可以选择玩这个运动,but you have to be careful to mute any unwanted notes. For example, in the Cm chord, the index finger needs to be arched so that it holds down the fifth (A) string and the sixth (E) string, but not the fourth (D) string. For B♭7/D, the underside of finger three can be used to mute the D string. There are many similar solutions available in the subsequent chords.

这种弦序列不是任何特定歌曲的转录,而且它受到典型女王钢琴部分中发现的那种声音的启发。请注意,前四个和弦之间的Bassline如何让事情前进,从E♭和弦的强大下降线一直到e♭/ b♭和b♭七。此外,第三和第四和第四和第四和第四和第四个和弦基本上是对前两个和弦的重新发声,以增加兴趣。正如我们所以,准备好遇到一些不熟悉的和弦形状,这可能需要一些仔细的练习。

Tricky changes can be worked on separately back and forth; you don’t always have to try and play the whole eight bars.


女王Chord Clinic Fig 2

Figure 2 could be played as a series of arpeggios, each time picking with the thumb on the bass note and then with the other three fingers on the remaining notes of the chord. If you take away the slash chords, you’re left with a four-chord sequence similar to those found in contemporary pop songs – however, leaving them in place creates a set of changes which seems to owe something to the Baroque period and the music of Bach. It works as either a four- or eight-bar sequence and can be effectively looped around.

A more pianistic approach to this chord sequence would be to play the bass note with the thumb, the note on the fourth (D) string with the index finger, and then use the middle and ring fingers to play the notes on the third (G) and second (B) strings simultaneously before finally picking the note on the fourth (D) string again with the index finger. This works for the whole sequence and will help to bring out the strong bassline. Notice Figures 1 and 2 both end on B♭7, but with two different voicings.

女王Chord Clinic Fig 3

图3介绍了在B♭6和弦中用一根手指停止两个字符串的想法。将此和弦作为Arpeggio,从低音注意到顶部注,然后释放小手指并选择由第二(b)字符串,第六个尺寸上的纬纱保持的笔记。对于GM Add9和CM Add9和弦,选择弦的音符,然后释放小指,在第一个(E)字符串上的纬框下拾取纸条下方的纸条。最后,通过将小指滑动褶皱或通过用第三手指停止三个字符串,可以将FSUS4和弦变成F专注。像图2一样,这四个和弦制作可重复的序列。为额外乐趣,尝试录制每个序列并在顶部播放Brian May-Style Solo!

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