
如何弹奏乡村吉他第3部分 - Doublestops

纳什维尔·亨里克森(David Henriksson)在他的《乡村吉他的初学者指南》的第三部分中,将其付诸实践。


我正在播放这些例子,这是在一些火车跳动,乡村洗牌和更多摇滚氛围中播放的。Doublestops are obviously very common in country guitar playing but they’re also very useful in many other styles, it’s a great way to sound a bit bigger and fuller when playing solo in a power trio but works equally well (but in the opposite way) to fit your rhythm part better in a busy mix if you’re playing in a six or seven piece band. So please spend some time these, try to get them under your fingers, understand the theory and application and also try to apply doublestops in other styles. I think you’ll dig it a lot! Now, let’s play!

前任。1 - 钥匙



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前任。2 - G的钥匙

这与本课程系列的第1部分中的舔非常相似,并通过添加酷炫的tritone doublestop(从下半步中滑入七和大三分之一),进一步扩展了相同的想法,这甚至更清楚地概述了我们是演奏主导的第七和弦。为了最大程度地减少用指法的混淆,我建议您将中指放在G弦上,然后在不同的双doublesops上上下移动食指。

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前任。3 - B的关键


同样,这里有四个变体,基于相同的初始想法 - g和b字符串上的doublestop以及D字符串上的两个音符,它们用锤子启动,拉开或滑动执行。这意味着我们有三个音符的节奏,这些音符重复出现,并且在第16个注释中播放时会产生凉爽的节奏位移。您可以通过突出DoubleStop来夸大这种影响。所有这些变化清楚地概述了B7音调,主要是和弦音调,但第三和四个示例还增加了一些色调的指标和上部扩展。

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前任。4 - D的关键

现在,让我们通过添加一些特征性的幽灵音符来获得更多的国家,这些音符是Chicken Pickin’的组成部分。前三个DoubleStops在播放源自布鲁斯秤的下降色线时将根音符用作高无人机 - 但这是秘密酱:播放这些断断续续,并在这些DoubleStops之间添加一个柔和的G弦字符串。瞧!但是,嘿,我们还没有完成……现在还要在这句话的第二部分之前播放两次静音D字符串。我用我的选择,第二个用食指和弯曲的音符在G弦上播放第一个。一旦您走了这么远,其余的应该很容易。

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前任。5 - E或A的关键

This outlines an E7 going to an A so it can be used as the I-IV chord in the key of E and as the V-I chord in the key of A – since it doesn’t use any open strings it can also easily be moved to any key – pure awesomeness right? I suggest that you experiment playing the minor third to major 3rd movement in three ways: as a slide with your ring finger, as a hammer on and also hitting both notes with your flat pick as this will give different articulation and bounce to this lick. Listen to the subtle differences in the recorded examples.

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前任。6 - C的关键

这是结束老式乡村洗牌的绝佳方法。A single note pickup is followed by some parallel thirds and later we’ll outline the V-I ending with some contrary motion where the major third of the V chord goes UP a half step to the root of the I chord while the flat seventh of V chord goes一半的步骤,针对I和弦的主要三分之一。这是我们在乡村音乐中以及许多其他样式中最强的谐波运动之一。

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前任。7 - 一个关键

这首先是DoubleStop切成骨滑入根和第三大的,并以一种让我想起了Brent Mason的所有色谱。After the initial doublestop we’re playing six descending chromatic steps all the way from the flat seventh degree (G) to the perfect fourth (D) – the reason this works and doesn’t just sound like rubbish is because we’re targeting chord tones on the strong beats of the bar. It ends with the root and major third but played as a sixth instead of a third (as we did in the beginning of the lick) – this is called reversed intervals, check out the bonus tip at the end of the article.

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前任。8 - G的钥匙

我从阿尔伯特·李(Albert Lee)(我听过的第一架乡村吉他手)偷走了这个想法,但我也听到许多其他玩家也使用了这种舔。现在,我们正在演奏完整的VI-II-V-I进度,概述了占主导地位的第七和弦,并且(前三个和弦)的共同点是开放的G和B弦。确保用中指和无名指通过抓住G和B弦并将其扣在指板上,从而使DoubleStops扎根。这是一个有趣的!

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尝试使用反向间隔来最大化这些想法的使用。Lick的比赛六分之一通常也很出色。您可以通过更改任一音符的八度来做到这一点,以便它们最终在俯仰中彼此接近 - 这意味着要么将下部音符移动一个八度,要么移动较高的音符一个八度。这将大大扩展如何使用这些舔和短语。下次,我们将深入研究踏板钢启发的弯曲 - 准备好您的指尖稍微酸痛!

大卫·亨里克森(David Henrikkson)


大卫·亨里克森(David Henriksson)是一位瑞典吉他手,于2017年搬到纳什维尔。他与包括特雷西·劳伦斯(Tracy Lawrence)和卢克·康布斯(Luke Combs)在内的广告牌排行榜的艺术家一起演奏,并在传奇场所(如Grand Ole Opry House和Ryman Auditorium)演出了多次。2月,他与Truefire发行了名为Elektrik Blues的第一门课程。了解有关David的更多信息,并关注


