
克里斯·康奈尔(Chris Cornell)的寡妇因缺少特许权使用费而起诉Soundgarden

维基·康奈尔(Vicky Cornell)声称,她的丈夫在特许权使用费上欠了“数十万”。

克里斯·康奈尔(Chris Cornell)的遗ow维基·康奈尔(Vicky Cornell)已向佛罗里达联邦法院提起诉讼,针对Soundgarden的其他成员。她声称乐队有扣留了大量的特许权使用费,归功于她已故的丈夫。




早在7月,Soundgarden吉他手Kim Thayil在接受采访时证实了这些未发行的曲目的存在音乐雷达。他还暗示了关于如何处理所述材料的分歧。Thayil说:“我们试图在两年前进行这项工作,但我们没有克里斯正在研究的任何演示。”“在各方之间似乎对这需要什么以及如何运作以及将受益的人感到困惑。”

该诉讼名为前Soundgarden乐队成员Kim Thayil,Matt Cameron和Ben Shepherd,以及乐队的业务经理Rit Venerus。Vicky Cornellalso claimed in her legal statement that she had attempted to reach a compromise with the band but was rejected, and that Thayil’s public comments on the matter have led to the perception that she was standing in the way of a future album from the band.

在一个在Instagram上发布,维基·康奈尔(Vicky Cornell)表示,她“不会为了别人的便利或收获而被推开”。“我将通过我丈夫的工作和记忆来伸张正义;对于我们的孩子和我们所代表的一切,”她写道。



在过去的几周里,我一直在花时间,以感谢周围的所有好人以及那些在我一生中最糟糕的时刻举起我的人。在暴风雨中,一线希望正在发现并欣赏那些无条件地支持您的人的微妙光芒。但是,有时候,当您悲伤的人身体失去的那些人时,您会意识到现在必须为您所考虑的朋友和家人的一些失去感到悲伤。我对这种情况的频率感到震惊。不仅是我,摇滚明星寡妇或政治寡妇;在伴侣通过后,绝大多数妇女就是这种情况。它超越了社会经济阶级,种族和宗教。这是一个不愉快的,不幸的是所有的主题。顽固的家庭成员,朋友和商业伙伴;谁会在破碎和独自一人时剥削寡妇的脆弱性。 These other people who have decided that her time is up as well. Through support groups and other widowed friends, and during both difficult and supportive conversations, I have learned that I am not a unique case. This seems to be the inevitable plight of the widow in this world and I cannot help feeling angry, sad and betrayed. I will not be bullied or shamed into silence. I will not accept something so wrong, so lacking in compassion or decency, even with the clear but unspoken threat of social rejection hanging over me. This was not the way I would have chosen to move forward. But I will not be pushed aside for someone else’s convenience or gain. I will not sacrifice our children’s futures for someone else’s greed. And I will not let someone else make me feel shame because the man I loved was taken from all of us too soon. I will do justice by my husband’s work and memory; for our children and for everything we stood for. I want to thank everyone who has stood by Chris and has supported us through this devastating time. Your love and your kindness will never be forgotten. #chriscornell forever ?

共享的帖子Vicky Cornell(@vickycornell)



