

庆祝一支邪教的英国单身乐队,他骑着60年代中期的音乐革命浪潮足够长,足以锻造少数Mercurial的曲目,并展示了他们独特的吉他手Eddie Phillips的独创性和火焰,Eddie Phillips是小提琴枪吉他和小提琴的先驱反馈。


The Creation是英国最伟大的“应该是贝恩斯”之一。尽管他们从未进入工作室,目的是创建专辑(我们是止痛药was the nearest thing to it, and it’s a series of singles, B sides and originals cobbled together with covers), their best tunes were visceral lightning strikes of creativity that echoed through the ages: they inspired Alan McGee to name his record label (and his indie band), and contributed to the DNA of果酱and绿洲,以及由性手枪,电视名人,boney M和Ride以及在Wes Anderson电影中使用的歌手的艺术家覆盖Rushmore


埃迪·菲利普斯(Eddie Phillips)在他的众多和多样的才华中,很可能是第一位使用小提琴弓来激发他的电吉他琴弦的吉他手。一个与最著名的技巧LED ZEP庞然大物吉米·佩奇(Jimmy Page)也许最令人难忘的是,奈杰尔·图尔纳(Nigel Tufnel)在他的舞台吉他独奏中This Is Spinal Tap,,,,this gimmick wasn’t the only trick Phillips had up his sleeve.

在60年代的混乱环境中,半声音吉他和最大的放大器使反馈成为新一波的电动吉他玩家的必要邪恶。然而,菲利普斯(Phillips)是少数少数人,他们将这种技术障碍发展成为一种力量,从他的夸张设置中哄骗音乐反馈 - 他毕业于Futurama和Futurama和Voxesto aGibsonES-335和200瓦Marshall带有8×10橱柜 - 并将野生尖叫声纳入他的工作室声音中。时间and画家人两者都展示了吉他手在他的比赛之前。


He does have one regret, though: Phillips parted ways with his beloved cherry red ES-335 in the 70s and in 2007, put out a plaintive plea for its return. Its distinctive wear includes three hacksaw marks near the pickup selector switch from an experiment before settling on the bow for sustain.

“I was trying to figure out a way to play something on the E string to keep it going, like a drone, while I hammered on some kind of solo with my left hand on the other strings,” Phillips。首先,我尝试了一个hacksaw - 我拿出刀片并放了一根吉他弦,尝试穿过E字符串,但这只会导致我从锯子的末端从335的底部戴着三到四个大凹槽[笑]。这样显然不会工作。”

Creation myth

A rumour persists that Phillips’ contemporary Pete Townshend was so impressed that he asked the guitarist to join The Who as the second guitarist. Phillips himself demurs, telling journalist Chris Hunt: “If he asked me, I didn’t hear him! I think that was a bit of sharp press.” Alas, the mouthwatering prospect of having two of the wildest guitar pioneers of the 60s in one band was too good to be true. Still, at least we have Phillips’ Creation playing, presided over in the studio by Shel Talmy, the innovative producer behind early classics such as扭结你真懂我andThe Whos我这一代,还有很多出色的吉他动作要揭开。

画家人,他们唯一的英国40击中了一场出色的即兴即兴演奏Townshend- 风格的和弦插曲和小提琴小提琴尾巴;在Through My Eyes,,,,Phillips anchors the song’s soporific, prowling backbeat with a mesmerising bend-based riff motif and unison-bend solo;汤姆·汤姆taps into the same vein asThe Beatles她说她说,,,,adding an off-kilter double-tracked solo and even a section at 2:32 with a feedback-and-killswitch effect.

创作 - 我们是止痛者


为了改变步伐尝试阻止我eases off the scene-stealing guitar in favour of precisely intonated, ultra-clean chordal jangle, but the speeding stomp ofBiff Bang Pow,,,,propelled by its我这一代- 风格的即兴演奏,以光荣的吉他独奏返回斗争,迅速放弃了和弦旋律的想法,而是赞成愤怒的弯曲和锤子。

最终的预剪裁60s单个单曲包含两个基本创作曲目。我们是止痛药,,,,How Does It Feel To FeelandLife Is Just Beginning,分别具有夸张的,无缘的反馈独奏和卷串刮擦和迷幻弦。

Ill stars

The Creation never achieved the recognition they deserved and after singer Kenny Pickett quit, Phillips followed suit later in 1967. The band continued, with Ron Wood in the lineup, until 1968, released some more soul-flavoured material, then dissipated, seemingly for good. They reactivated in the 1990s and despite reforming and playing with Phillips as the only original member and attempts to recapture the spark, such as 1996 albumPower Surge,世界上的成功并不是他们的成功。

Instead, they’ll go down in rock history as a quintessential cult band, trapped in amber between the British Invasion and the birth of psychedelia, and hopefully, appreciated for the scything, exhilarating playing of their lead guitarist. A philospophical Phillips told记录收集器:“如果我们可以回去改变创作的命运,我们可能会曾经是一个非常大的乐队,但现在可能不会像我们一样被记住。我对事情很好。”

The Creation
图片:Caroline Gillies / Bips / Hulton Archive / Get Timages


创作,我们是止痛药(Hit-Ton/Sonet, 1967)


  • 肯尼·皮克特(Vocals)
  • 埃迪·菲利普斯(吉他)
  • 鲍勃·加纳(贝斯)
  • 杰克·琼斯(鼓)
  • Shel Talmy(生产)

Standout guitar moment


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