
PJ Harvey的《 Riv Me of Me》的天才

Cutting through the ’90s alt mob with mercurial guitar playing, Rid of Me presented PJ Harvey’s musical power at its unrestrained best.

From the autoharp of 2011’sLet England Shaketo the haunting piano of 2007’sWhite Chalk回到她处女作的迷失方向,Dry,,,,PJ Harvey的九个Album目录是对创造思想的源泉。

虽然最初的1992年发行是艺术家独创性的早期指标,以及她残酷的,充满活力的吉他方法,直到她的第二张LP,1993年的第二张唱片Rid of Me,无疑是哈维的创造力。

While 1992 was the first time the public at large caught wind of her burgeoning talent, PJ Harvey (real name Polly Jean Harvey) already had years of live work behind her at this point, having been a respected musician in various outfits in her youth.


哈维离开布里斯托尔的自动Dlamini(她曾与她一起演奏过萨克斯,吉他和人声),与前乐队成员Rob Ellis一起在鼓上建立了PJ Harvey“三人组”,而贝斯的Ian Oliver(后来由Steve Vaughan取代)。受到Harvey的早期吉他演奏的影响并结合了风格的融合,在电动蓝调构造和灵活的民间杂物之间飞镖,以及笨拙的grunge riffs和Rapid-Fire,Lo-fir,Lo-Fi Indie。这是这部音乐剧《漩涡》的核心,哈维经常充满激情的人声强调,她在面对当时男性主导的岩石景观方面是毁灭性的新事物。

DebutDry令人赞叹的音乐出版社,在英国专辑排行榜中排名第11。迷人的单身人士DressandSheela-Na-Gigrazed the established norms of sexual braggadocio in rock music and rearranged the ruins into a compelling new feminist manifesto. In guitar terms, Harvey’s convulsive chordal drives, which often spun on their heels and lunged into chaotic fire pits of distortion, demonstrated a confident command of the instrument. Her coruscating playing style became a hallmark ofDry14个月后发布的史蒂夫·阿尔比尼(Steve Albini)制作的随访。

PJ Harvey - Rid Of Me


Rid of Me在动荡的时期里写的14首歌曲。在不懈的巡回演出之后,她在伦敦的中央圣马丁学院(Central Saint Martins College)撤销了一段时期的焦虑时期,她将在那儿学习,看到这位艺术家返回了她的沿海家乡多塞特郡(Dorset)。

This bleak backdrop informed Harvey’s compositions, manifesting as violent anger in songs such asSnake并在唱片的标题曲目中绝望。辞职也通过阴郁的AM7 Arpeggio出现Missed在激动交战旋律人物的痛苦融合。


但是哈维的心态也导致了对50英尺皇后,,,,powered by her finest riff to date. A simple and effective drop D runaway train of a riff lassoed by a country-ish, quick-fire pull-off (from F), it sets the pace for an irresistible, motoring arrangement within which Harvey decrees herself“number one, second to none”

Armed with her redGretsch7609 Broadkaster and 1960s挡泥板电视广播员(通过A输出VoxAC30),哈维(Harvey)开始在明尼阿波利斯(Minneapolis)附近的史蒂夫·阿尔比尼(Steve Albini)的Pachyderm Studios中与Ellis和Vaughan一起录制她的第二张专辑。

“I knew I wanted to work with Steve Albini from listening to小精灵records, and hearing the sounds he was getting, which were unlike any other sounds that I’d heard on vinyl,” Harvey told旋转。“I really wanted that very bare, very real sound. I knew that it would suit the songs. It’s like touching real objects or feeling the grain of wood. That’s what his sound is like to me. It’s very tangible. You can almost feel the room.”

PJ Harvey
Image: Ebet Roberts / Redferns

With Harvey’s vocal and guitar, Vaughan’s bass and Ellis’s drums the only instruments in the mix, the extremes of Harvey’s playing were wrought by Albini to ear-shattering levels.


另一个Rid of Me’s crucial tracks, the indignant gender-levellerMan-Size,由波涛汹涌的波动势头驱动,在G,F和A Powerchords之间进行自助力。这种推力重复会加剧紧张局势,偶尔会升至高速升高,然后重新安置在其凹槽中,强调其抒情目标的圆形单调。

Rid of Mesounded unlike anything else in 1993. Even today it remains a rollercoaster of often uncomfortable but always engaging sonics, perfect to house Harvey’s sketches of obsession, passion, sexuality, dejection and power. Its white-hot canvases were a major influence onKurt Cobain。In the discussions that led toNirvana’s在子宫内,阿尔比尼呈现Rid of Meas an example of a more raw-edged approach to recording guitar. Cobain was entranced. The dislocated sonics of Nirvana’s final LP were unmistakably informed byRid of Me

PJ Harvey
图片:Ian Dickson / Redferns


While Harvey’s later work may have brought her wider attention – and provided a less abrasive way-in for listeners – the savage thrill-ride ofRid of Me仍然是她最激动人心的聆听。只有她的吉他,一个小的合奏和无情的决心,Rid of Me14条曲目将哈维(Harvey)的困难重新构成了坚决,咆哮的宣言。


Rob Ellis,PJ Harvey和Steve Vaughan
从左到右:Rob Ellis,PJ Harvey和Steve Vaughan。图片:Steve Rapport / Getty图像


PJ Harvey,Rid of Me(Island,1993)


  • PJ Harvey - 人声,吉他,器官,大提琴,小提琴,制作
  • Steve Vaughan – Bass
  • 罗布·埃利斯(Rob Ellis) - 鼓,支持人声,制作
  • 史蒂夫·阿尔比尼(Steve Albini) - 生产

Standout Guitar Moment


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