
经典组合:和谐流星和Vox AC30

还记得戴夫·戴维斯(Dave Davies)削减放大器的时候吗?

The story of Dave Davies slashing the speaker cone of his green Elpico AC55 amp with a razor blade in order to achieve the abrasive sound of the powerchord riff in The Kinks’ You Really Got Me has passed into rock ’n’ roll folklore, but it’s often forgotten that the Elpico was also daisy-chained into a Vox AC30 during the session with producer Shel Talmy that yielded the game-changing hit.


As well as selling and exhibiting vintage gear, Old Hat’s proprietor Norman Mitchell rents equipment out to shows – this period-correct rig featured in the Kinks musical Sunny Afternoon and can be seen in the flesh along with the rest of Norman’s treasure trove in exchange for a small donation to Cancer Research.


