
Luke Sital-Singhon the benefits of writing sad songs and finding solace in collaboration


Luke Sital-Singh是一位多产的词曲作者。自2012年以来,他发行了三张全长专辑和六张EP,并且没有任何迹象表明他脱离了加速器。

Having released his warmly received third albumA Golden State去年,他继续他的富有成果的旅程New Haze, which also happens to be his seventh EP in eight years.

We note how rapidly he’s followed his latest album up with yet more EP, but Luke has no interest in slowing down. “Personally, I feel like it’s too slow,” he explains. “I’m of these two minds where I’m going back to the kind of Patreon model and doing something each month, you know, just chucking stuff out there. There’s part of me that loves taking my sweet time and putting records out slowly, making sure they’re great, but it just doesn’t seem a tenable thing for much longer.


Luke Sital-Singh


但是,与他的许多同时代人一样,传统唱片行业的古老谚语迅速变得无关紧要,在某些情况下,几乎不利于向歌迷发行音乐的奇异目标。“The thing that’s frustrating about this industry itself, or at least if you’re doing it in a more traditional way, is all the other fluff around it, like setting up the marketing and making sure that the press has it at the right time. That’s what tends to delay things,” he says.

确实,尽管发行了他的首张专辑副管2014年,Sital-Singh一直忠于独立唱片公司,几乎完全关注输出,而不是倾向于老式的发行周期。“如果您想对此愤世嫉俗,并且在Spotify上查看一些统计数据 - 人们几乎不断流式传输直到[专辑的结尾],他们会听四到五首曲目,然后继续前进。因此,您开始认为‘我应该做EPS吗?记录记录的意义是什么?’然后您走了,‘哦,是的,但是如果不是唱片,没人会写关于它的!’”

Old Sea Brigade & Luke Sital-Singh

Stripped back

New Haze,伦敦人 - 杜拉(Via-la)已经完整圈子。然而A Golden State在俄勒冈州波特兰的Jackpot Studios录制 - 由Elliott Smith著名,并由REMand The Decemberists – and produced Tommy McLaughlin to create a “big and warming” album, using vintage ribbon mics and old Harmony acoustics, this new quartet of songs echoes the approach heard on his early为你失败andTornadosEPS。


It begins with a characteristically sombre acoustic sound, helped along by the presence and depth of his belovedLowden无畏的人,直到两分钟的标记才能蓬勃发展,直到歌曲中途。那么,是什么促使他回到了他经过久经考验的歌曲创作方法?他冷静地承认:“我刚刚拥有的优势是一种优势。”“我很乐意发布这样的整个记录​​,真的很稀疏,但这是我有足够自信的问题吗?感觉就像是一个自大的举动。也许不是自大,但显然这首歌越稀疏,它必须越好。”

His approach is the antithesis of the present-day pop music that dominates streaming playlists and the radio waves. The troubadour’s tried-and-tested method might not be as omnipresent as it was in the late noughties, but there’s still a dedicated audience that yearn for the heart-on-your-sleeve immediacy of one man and his guitar.

“When you listen to pop music now it seems to be every second of the song there’s something new, there’s something like, ‘Don’t turn it off, this is when that thing happens.’ I don’t enjoy that way of making music, whereas this EP feels quite natural to me. I’ve done a lot of EPs and I guess it’s quite a singer-songwriter thing to do anyway, you know, four-track things and then a record. It’s been quite a good format for my kind of music, which is pretty sad, let’s be honest!”

Luke Sital -Singh-新的阴霾


对合作并不陌生,西塔尔·辛格(Sital-Singh)New Hazewith the help of Steve Aeillo, notable for his work with拉娜·德尔·雷伊(Lana del Rey)and Thirty Seconds To Mars, and long-time companion Matt Hales, famous for his time as part of Aqualung and as a composer who’s written with Lianne La Havas and Jason Mraz, amongst others.



“Music is collaborative, that’s part of what makes it fun. Songwriting can often be seen as this thing where you sit on your own in the dark and come out with some incredibleLeonard Cohen-style masterpiece, but sometimes it’s fun to share it and see what you can come up with together.”

尽管一些歌手兼作曲家可能会将吉他视为简单的工具,但Sital-Singh对优质吉他充满热情,尤其是一位工匠乔治·洛登(George Lowden)。他解释说:“我已经使用了很长时间的低迷,制作了我的第一张专辑的伊恩·阿切尔(Ian Archer)向我介绍了我。”“他拥有这个旧的无畏模特,我一直很喜欢它,但他们不再做到了。我记得当我刚好有足够的钱去ebay时,一个人出现在eBay上。”

Luke Sital-Singh

The guitar tone that stands out on the EP, however, is that heard onMy Sweet Side。它具有明显的温暖和清晰度,只有空心体才能实现。“我与汤米·麦克劳克林(Tommy McLaughlin)在爱尔兰在爱尔兰录制的一些曲目,后者制作了我的最后两张专辑。他继续工作My Sweet Side我真的很喜欢吉他的声音。他有这么大霍夫纳Archtop,那就进入了普林斯顿。那是现场录音。我真的很喜欢弹吉他,我可能会从他身上窃取它。”

Undefeated,EP的最后曲目,Sital-Singh的吉他作品回荡了听到的Nick Drake’s infamous third album,粉红色的月亮, particularly the arpeggiated guitar work ofRoad或者Which Will

所用的吉他是在芝加哥逗留的同时购买的,而且收购与已故歌手的作品一样典型地英语。“我不得不去芝加哥音乐交流。我是拖拉机梁向这个吉布森ES-120 thing. I didn’t know anything about it, but it was super cool. Then my tour manager at the time was like, ‘Oh no, you can’t just pay that. You’ve got to haggle.’ I thought, I’m English, we don’t do this!”

老海旅和卢克·辛格(Luke Sital-Singh)在黑暗中唱歌的所有方式


录制之前A Golden StateandNew Haze,西塔尔(Sital-Singh)选择在布里斯托尔(Bristol)取消生命,以换取洛杉矶的温暖气候。这样一来,他就可以与其他志趣相投的音乐家一起工作和作曲,但这是令人恐惧的积极性,通常对他通常的抒情沉思不利。他笑着说:“我不会去海滩,写关于海滩男孩类型的歌曲,但可能有一点积极性试图以某种方式进入那里。我正在尝试开始。

“It’s so weird out here, and it’s really cool, but it’s also uncertain. I’m trying to do different things and write with other people. That’s more how it’s affecting my songwriting in general.”

Naturally, it has affected his work and following our conversation he announced another collaborative EP, this time with the Atlanta-based Ben Cramer, better known as Old Sea Brigade. Recorded in Nashville, it was written in just a week in Sital-Singh’s LA home last summer and nods to the Laurel Canyon renaissance ofCrosby, Stills, Nash & Young。“这是我做的最纯粹的事情。我砸碎了墙壁,跟随我的肠子,并值得信赖的本。除了音乐,我们什么也没想。这是纯粹的享受。”

Luke Sital-Singhis proof that there’s life and sustainability in musicianship outside of the confines of traditional record labels, and maybe even space to allow for that fleeting positivity.

New Haze现在已经开始Raygun RecordsAll The Ways You Sing In The Darkis out 28 August on Nettwerk Records.


