
乔·萨特里亚尼(Joe Satriani):“您认为我会在乐队中牺牲某人并为Rock'N'Roll牺牲吗?快点”

We talk to the virtuoso guitarist about what he's been doing these past few months.

根据计划,2020年了Joe Satriani将在世界巡回演唱会的三个月内支持他最近发行的专辑Shapeshifting。但是,像世界上其他所有工作音乐家一样,萨奇(Satch)的日程安排陷入了19日大流行的混乱。萨奇回忆说:“我们离开始排练还有一周的路程。”“我已经抽了起来,吉他和设备已经准备好了 - 我们正准备按所有按钮。就像那样,我们停了下来。这是我经历过的最奇怪的事情。”他发出笑声,然后补充说:“当然,这些天谁不能这么说?”

While other musicians have been forced to cancel tours outright, Satriani considers himself one of the lucky ones – his complete itinerary was simply moved a year ahead, with his first show slated for April 9, 2021, in Zurich, Switzerland. “I can’t tell you how good I feel to be given the chance to rebook everything exactly as it was,” he says. “All of the venues and promoters were on board with that. All of the dates are the same, just a year later.”

自三月份以来,萨特里亚尼(Satriani)在他在旧金山的家中陷入困境,但以免任何人认为他一直坐在Netflix上,再想一想。他说:“我从未如此忙碌。”“In my studio room is this gigantic green screen, and later today, my wife Rubina and I will be filming for a music video that’s going to be edited by my son, Z.Z., down in L.A. Beyond that, there’s a lot of online activity. I’m doing interviews and live streams for Instagram and Facebook. It’s amazing what you can do at home.”


In addition, Satch has already turned his attention to not one, but two new albums he’s looking to record during the rest of 2020. “If this were a normal time, I wouldn’t start a new album till after I was done touring Shapeshifting,” he says. “But as I was eyeing a 12-month pause, I said, ‘Well, I may as well get creative and make some more music.’”

Joining Satriani on the recordings will be his live band – drummer Kenny Aronoff, bassist Bryan Beller and keyboardist/guitarist Rai Thistlethwayte, along with longtime studio musician Eric Caudieux. One disc will be a vocal-oriented set of tunes that will showcase Thistlethwayte’s singing chops, while the second will be an all-instrumental affair that Satch describes as “kind of way out. It’s not the antitheses to Shapeshifting, but an entirely different view of what I like to play and listen to. It removes some stylistic fences and broadens my writing scope a little bit. When Kenny heard some of the stuff, he said, ‘Man, this is like some weird version of Weather Report or something.’ I thought that was great.”


There’s only three times I can remember in my entire career. There was a snowstorm in Pittsburgh during The Extremist tour. Winter tours are always rough, but that storm was impossible. And then a few years after that, during the first SARS epidemic, we had to cancel a very short G3 tour of Asia. It wasn’t a popular decision. All of our partners in Asia were really upset with me for years, and it delayed us returning for a while – “That guy’s going to cancel on us again.”






Joe Satriani
图像:Rick Kern / Getty




You have to understand, there is a big budgetary shift in my life when you reach the end of spending money on an album and you’re spending money on getting a tour just about ready to go. I mean, we’re talking close to $100,000 in travel fees that are already out of the account. But you’ve got to have nerves of steel for this business. It’s just the way it is.

一开始,当我向所有人打电话时 - 首先给我的经理 - 我说:“看,我们必须取消。我并不强迫任何人参加巡回演出,并冒着宣传专辑的风险死亡。因此,让我们在这里真实。”



碰巧的是,这是最糟糕的情况,绝对是最糟糕的情况,因为我已经花了这笔钱把所有人都带到飞机和酒店。我们租了公共汽车 - 一切。然后我知道我的好朋友,几十年来一直与之在一起的促销员也已经花了他们的钱,他们已经签署了合同。在某些国家,场地拒绝退还钱,因为他们说:“没有大流行。我们的政府没有说大流行。因此,无论如何,您将要欠我钱。”这就是他们将从出售门票中获得的钱,但是当然,您必须退还门票。那只是一场噩梦。



对于很多人来说,这是一件困难的事情,我当然知道。有吉他技术人员,鼓技术人员 - 他们都失业了。对于本地和旅行人员来说,这都是毁灭性的。每个帮助演出的人,他们现在都在家。




我只是牢记最重要的事情 - 粉丝,社区,然后是家庭的健康和安全。当您越来越近时,您会说:“是的,对我来说也很重要。”

And then you realize the other thing – it’s all about the music. We have the music, so why don’t why we release it? We promised our fans there would be a new album, and we’re not going to renege on that just because we’re worried about money. Business will work itself out. I’m so proud that we have this creative document called Shapeshifting, on which everybody who participated gave everything they had. So I thought, “This is a perfect gift to people who are stuck at home. Let’s give them some music that can help them sort of forget about the day-to-day mask-wearing, hand-washing, sanitizing, all of that.”


That never happened. Never. We spoke with Sony right away, and we had a really honest conversation about things. The big question was “What are we trying to achieve with this music?” And the answer, as always, was that we’re trying to reach our fans. We’re trying to bring music to people. So, with that in mind, we just thought, “Why stop?” The record was finished, mixed and mastered. We were good to go.


Joe Satriani
蒂姆·莫森费尔德 /盖蒂

这正是您正在做的事情 - 同时两次新记录。

这是正确的。我们还没有为声乐专辑的风格钉住风格,但是乐器唱片中的歌曲是10到11首歌曲。我对此感到非常兴奋,因为歌曲结构是如此不同。变形具有更多坚实的岩石态度。这是一种经典的声音 - 凹槽,吉他的前期。在这一点上,我使用的是更多不寻常的和弦形状和关键更改,并且正在做不同的凹槽。它将为每个人提供即兴创作和扩展的空间。这意味着更长的碎片,我认为对Rock Radio的点头更少。


我们将远程录制,因为我有一种感觉,Rai和我将在一两个月内完成我们的部分。他在悉尼,我在旧金山。在南加州的人 - 肯尼,布莱恩和埃里克 - 如果确实需要的话,他们实际上可以聚在一起。


是的,那太好了。Shapeshifting可能是代表我通常制作专辑的方式的理想文档 - 我进去,我在那里与人们合作,但我是做出所有主要决定的人。这次,我有意识地决定这应该是乐队记录或乐队记录。音乐将反映每个人,而不仅仅是我。我不太确定我们将如何发布记录,但是我很高兴知道,当我们最终能够上路时,我们将拥有这么多新音乐。

Joe Satriani
图片:克里斯蒂·古德温(Christie Goodwin) /盖蒂(Getty)

Any thoughts as to what touring will look like in 2021?

我的感觉是那时会有一种疫苗。另外,我认为人们会弄清楚如何让粉丝参加活动。我认为这不是一个非常困难的问题。困难的问题是表演者和技术人员。我们仍然处于完全不合格的情况下,这意味着我们无法做我们通常的事情,并符合CDC的建议以及其他人以及其他所有人给我们提供有关我们如何或无法共同努力的准则。音乐家和技术人员需要每天乘坐旅游巴士和飞机,然后我们在后台有很多人群,我们在拥挤的条件下工作。我的意思是,来吧 - 您如何与吉他技术合作并距离六英尺?

Have you talked to some guitar player friends, all of whom are sidelined? How are they handling this?

我的一些朋友非常像我。史蒂夫·瓦伊(Steve Vai)就是一个很好的例子。他和我谈论的是,这整个事情对我们来说并不是很不寻常,因为我们喜欢用吉他爬入我们的洞穴和音乐上。真的,我们从小就没有改变。我的音乐家朋友在大型,成功的乐队中赚钱,在雨天里收起了钱。他们的组织说:“好的,在2021年和2022年,我们将用体育场和事物征服世界。”所以他们不太担心。

On the other hand, there are friends of mine who depend on playing five clubs a week to make rent, and this has been really difficult for them. I know people who play parties and events, and it’s really hard watching them struggle. This has stopped them in their tracks – they can’t play. And I have friends who own music stores, and this has been crazy for them, too. We’re all talking to each other – “What did you hear from the government about PPE?” All these new phrases have crept into our conversations. We’ll see how everything turns out. But in the meantime, everybody just has to be safe.



