
Five Metallica gear facts only superfans will know

从AMP Mods到意外的声学尝试,以下是有关Metallica装备的五个事实,您可能不知道。

金属licahave become much more than a mere band. They are a global brand, a club, and the proverbial bar by which other metal acts are judged. Much has been said about the band’s gear over the years:詹姆斯·赫特菲尔德的探险家风格ESPs柯克·哈米特(Kirk Hammett)的“ Ouija”和“木乃伊” M-II。

But much about Metallica’s more esoteric gear continues to go unexplored. Here, we get into the trenches and uncover some lesser-known facts about the band’s arsenal.


James Hetfield of Metallica
James Hetfield. Image: Pete Cronin / Redferns


For Metallica’s debut album, 1983’sKill ’Em All, Hetfield used a马歇尔由加利福尼亚AMP Guru Jose Arredondo修改的主卷。

ARREDONDO以改装放大器而闻名Eddie Van Halen,Steve Vai, 和George Lynch, gain-stacking them and often adding an extra preamp tube.

赫特菲尔德(Hetfield)改装成的马歇尔(Marshall)在1984年在波士顿的一个场地外面被抢劫了,以及Metallica的其他装备,以及Metallica的其他装备。淡入黑色。“I’m sure I wasn’t really thinking of killing myself,” he said later, “but it was my favorite Marshall amp, man!”

Prior to the recording of the band’s next album, 1984’sRide the Lightning, Hetfield bought a replacement: a brand-new Marshall JMP 2203 head. This amp would be modded by Ken Fischer of火车残骸放大器, to allow him to bypass the preamp, but not until long after its purchase. For the recording of骑…, Hetfield used an oldIbanez管子尖叫器将JMP 2203驱动更加困难,试图复制Arredondo的Mod为他所做的一切。

在《黑色专辑》录制期间,鲍勃·洛克(Bob Rock)和赫特菲尔德(Hetfield)都获得了新的Ardondo-Modded Marshalls。根据赫特菲尔德(Hetfield)的说法,哈米特(Hammett)也在工作中进行,但阿雷多多(Ardondo)在完成之前就去世了。

柯克·哈米特(Kirk Hammett)的“兰德尔”放大器

Metallica的Kirk Hammett
Kirk Hammett. Image: Tim Mosenfelder / Corbis via Getty Images


虽然哈米特(Hammett)在上面扮演了“兰德尔(Randall)”的声音,但实际上并不是由唐·兰德尔(Don Randall)设计的。该放大器实际上是由Mike Fortin设计的,仅由Randall Amplifiersfor use by Hammett.

Randall had done this before – setting up licensing deals with boutique builders such asEgnater并出售结果作为Randall放大器,并解释了为什么某些时代的Randall放大器比其他放大器更受欢迎。Hammett的签名放大器可以追溯到meathead。

In 2011, Fortin made four hand-built prototype amps under the Randall banner for Hammett, all based on his Fortin Meathead model. These prototype amps were built using more expensive components that one would find in a production-model Randall, though Hammett still uses his production-model signature amp too. This KH103 was essentially a three-channel tweaked variation on the Fortin Meathead.

尽管乐队使用分形units on stage, they still use their ‘real’ amplifiers in the studio. According to Mike Fortin, the prototypes he built, as well as Hammett’s signature Randalls, are still in heavy rotation in the studio and provide the basis for the Fractal profiles the band use live.

Cliff Burton played acoustic guitar on record

Cliff Burton of Metallica
克里夫·伯顿(Cliff Burton)。图片:罗斯·马里诺(Ross Marino) /图像和图像 /盖蒂图像

In aGuitar Worldinterview from 2016, Hammett confirmed that Cliff Burton recorded the acoustic intro to斗争Fire with Fire,开场白Ride the Lightning
“That acoustic piece was Cliff’s. Cliff wrote that on a down-tuned acoustic guitar… He had a really good grasp of playing the guitar, and a good grasp of classical modulations. That intro was his piece. We heard it and stuck it onto斗争,而且效果很棒。我们知道这将是开场白。毫无疑问。”

Japanese guitars

詹姆斯·赫特菲尔德和克里夫·伯顿。Image: Pete Cronin / Redferns

詹姆斯·赫特菲尔德(James Hetfield)职业生涯的吉他 - 今天仍然是他的工作室阿森纳的一部分 - 是1970年代后期伊莱克飞行的楔形物型2236,一个带有螺栓固定颈部的飞行V副本。柯克·哈米特(Kirk Hammett)使用了一些FernandesStratocastercopies – an FST-135 that he nicknamed ‘Edna’, and a customized red 1985 FST-65 with a CS Style 22F. Meanwhile, Cliff Burton used an Aria Pro II. All of these instruments were manufactured in Japan. It’s possible that Hetfield’s Electra and Burton’s Aria were made in the same Matsumoku factory.

在与吉布森(Gibson)短暂任职后,赫特菲尔德(Hetfield)由于与亨利·朱斯基维奇(Henry Juszkiewicz)时期的业务关系恶化,因此离开了。Hammett很快就效仿了,因为两者都留给ESP。哈米特(Hammett)最近回到了吉布森(Gibson),后者现在处于新的(和更好)领导下。

TheGarage Days吉他

Many have heard about the custom builds that master luthier Ken Lawrence has made for Hetfield over the years. Most notable among them is theGarage Days吉他, or as Lawrence calls it, ‘Carl’.

This guitar was built for Hetfield using wood salvaged from the band’s old rehearsal garage, where they wrote the bulk of material for骑…和1986’s木偶大师。“卡尔”是劳伦斯为赫特菲尔德(Hetfield)完成的第六架。

由于车库的回收木材的可疑状态,洪都拉斯玫瑰木被镶嵌在吉他的质朴上衣下方,以便其桥和尾部可以固定在坚固的东西上。布线式封面上有定制的雕刻在Hetfield,Hammett,Burton和Lars Ulrich出生时的美国地区。但是,也许最引人注目的细节被插入了非洲黑木牌板的画布中……

Ken Lawrence explains its symbolism. “The brilliant inlay design was the brainchild of Petar Milivojević,” Lawrences tells us. “He is an extremely talented artist from Serbia, who I’ve been working with for a few years. He is a huge Metallica/James fan who knows their history so well that he came back with this design in three days. I showed it to James and, no deliberation, no suggestions, no changes, just, ‘Damn, we’re good’.”

梦幻般的镶嵌物以赫特菲尔德(Hetfield)迫在眉睫,哈米特(Hammett)作为“收割者”(The Reaper),指的是他的舞台昵称。乌尔里希(Ulrich)被描绘成一名照明人员,因为他带来了雷声,而伯顿(Burton)则以天空中的猎户座星座为代表。金门大桥引用了乐队的旧金山湾根,而墓碑让人回想起木偶大师artwork.

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