
Pearl Jam推回Gigaton巡回赛冠状病毒的关注



主唱埃迪·韦德(Eddie Vedder)通过乐队的社交媒体渠道“令人沮丧和遗憾”,使这一消息“令人沮丧和遗憾”。他说,Gigaton巡回演唱会的北美腿已被推迟,并将在以后重新安排。






作为西雅图市的居民,我们受到了严重的打击,目睹了这些灾难性情况会升级的速度。我们的孩子的学校与大学和企业一起关闭。这是残酷的,在变得更好之前会变得更糟。因此,我们被告知,成为大型聚会的一部分是避免的事情清单,因为这场全球健康危机现在开始影响我们的所有生活。Unfortunately, communing in large groups is a huge part of what we do as a band and the tour we’ve been busy planning for months is now in jeopardy… We have and will always keep the safety and well-being of our supporters as top priority. So it is with deep frustration and regret that we are forced to make this most unfortunate of announcements… This scheduled first leg of our PJ/Gigaton tour will need to be postponed and shows rescheduled for a later date. We’ve worked hard with all our management and business associates to find other solutions or options but the levels of risk to our audience and their communities is simply too high for our comfort level. Add to that we also have a unique group of passionate fans who travel far and wide. We’ve always been humbled by this and respect their energies and devotion. However in this case, travel is something to avoid. It certainly hasn’t helped that there’s been no clear messages from our government regarding people’s safety and our ability to go to work. Having no examples of our national health department’s ability to get ahead of this, we have no reason to believe that it will be under control in the coming weeks ahead. Again, here in Seattle what we are witnessing we would not wish for anyone. What we do wish for the rest of the country is that they can avoid the harsh negative effects of this and retain their sense of community and take care of one another. Just as we look forward to our next concerts and the ability to gather together and play loud songs as energized as ever. We are so sorry… And deeply upset.. If anyone out there feels the same based on this news, we share that emotion with you. – Ed & Pearl Jam



这次巡回演唱会支持Pearl Jam的第11张录音室专辑,Gigaton,将于3月27日到期。记录,他们自2013年以来的第一个全长闪电,以前是通过单曲预览千里眼的舞蹈Superblood Wolfmoon

乐队还没有谈论“ Gigaton聆听体验”,这是即将发行的专辑的特别戏剧预览,将在全球200个电影院放映3月25日。


Gigaton巡回赛是受冠状病毒爆发影响的最新活动。奥斯丁节SXSW 2020最近被取消在Netflix等主要品牌和参与者之后,Apple和Amazon退出了。Coachella及其姊妹节舞台 - 可能很快就会跟随根据组织者的说法knotfest日本,由组织的金属节活结,也已被取消。Musikmesse 2020也将重新安排



