
NAMM 2017:FRET-KING介绍Fluence系列

将英国设计美学的细节与美国技术的最前沿相结合,新的FRET-KING VULINES系列吉他使Fret-King Guitars和Fishman USA之间真正的“特殊关系”。

Available in three of the most popular Fret-King models, all fitted with Fishman’s amazing Fluence pickups systems – which are based on the most iconic pickup designs of the last 70 years, with the additional advantage of optional voicing at the flick of the switch and free of the noise and interference problems of vintage pickups – these new guitars offer the modern guitarist a whole range of classic tones all wrapped in incredibly playable and responsive package.

Fret-King Corona“ Fluence” FKV6F-OCB进行了21世纪的改头换面,而不会失去这种经典的吉他风格的细微差别。

使用中心加入了两件式的美国al木车身,并将其交配到加拿大硬摇滚枫木脖子上,电晕具有坚实的基础,可以在该基础上建造音调调色板。Wilkinson WV6SB桥和Wilkinson E-Z Lok Machine头提供了出色的维持和无与伦比的调音稳定性,使三个Fishman Fluence单宽拾音器及其内置可充电电池组的套装使这款宏伟的乐器上的蛋糕上的结冰。

推/拉音控制使玩家能够从经典的真实单线圈输出中立即切换到越来越多的类固醇注入的怪物音调,所有这些都没有可怕的60周期嗡嗡声的噪音和嗡嗡声,有时会烦恼标准拾取设计。在传统的原始经典爆发中完成,Fret-King Funer看起来像听起来和播放一样好。


Butterscotch完成的FRET KING乡村Squire“ Fluence” FKV2F-BBS使用了相同的木制木材混合物,枫木与威尔金森创新的WTB桥结合使用,该桥提供了传统的3鞍设计,以提供最佳的维持和色调转移。The Fishman Fluence pickup system and rechargeable battery pack again gives the player a choice of of the very best guitar sounds, combining the clear, warm presence of a standard single coil and then taking ‘over the top’ via the push/pull pot into a muscular, hot Texas overdrive, without losing those precious highs.
流利Resplendent in a Gloss Black finish the Fret-King Esprit V ‘Fluence’s solid Agathis body and easy-access Maple set-neck give the player the absolutely best possible sustain and tone via the Wilkinson direct mounted Tune-O-Matic style bridge and stop tailpiece.

这些镍覆盖的拾音器配备了桥上的渔夫嗡嗡声和颈部位置,从经典的校准PAF音调中无缝地移动,并带有吉他手从这种拾音器中期望的所有前期动力学,并带到热 -通过推式/拉锅定义了铅吉他的rodded摇滚音调。这款Fishman Funer拾音器套件由单个9V电池提供动力。



