


其中,该国顶级吉他拍卖商加德纳·霍尔盖特(Gardiner Houlgate)将在3月份的古董、高端和复古乐器拍卖会上展出精选拍品,让人们得以难得地一睹一些极具收藏价值和传奇色彩的吉他和贝斯。

维吉尔的艺术家玛丽·斯彭德最近确认参加现场演出,她刚刚在2017年的NAMM上亮相,这位布里斯托尔的创作型歌手展示了她独特的Excalibur Indus,配有专门为标准六弦吉他添加低音的Little Thunder拾音器。

玛丽加入了Alex Hutchings (Roland/Boss), Steve Smith (Marshall), Lee wrath (Laney), JOANovARC, Krissy Matthews (Patrick James Eggle), the Stationary Bones (SIMS/Enfield)和Phil Walker的喜欢表演他广受好评的“吉他英雄的故事”戏剧表演的片段在周末的阵容中。Fender和Line6也将在演出期间举办新产品研讨会,吉他杂志编辑Chris Vinnicombe将在周六25日主持一个现场舞台“Meet Your Maker”采访和问答环节,与Orange、Bare Knuckle Pickups、Patrick James Eggle和Thorpy FX进行访谈


吉他表演2017年展会的新参展商包括Elixir Strings, Sandberg basses, Fane Acoustics, Shergold Guitars和Audio Distribution Group (Earthquaker Devices, JHS Pedals, Catalinbread, Maxon等)。这些品牌加入了Laney, Marshall, Fender, PRS Guitars, Yamaha, Line6, Roland, Blackstar, Orange, Lag, Diezel, Vigier等大牌吉他展的最全面的阵容。

本土吉他制作人才也会有很大的表现,英国的制琴师代表像Patrick James Eggle, Rob Williams,猫科,JJ Guitars, Crimson, Reiver和更多展示国内定制和定制设计的最好的。


Marshall, Fender, PRS Guitars, Orange Amplification, Yamaha, Laney, Vigier, Patrick James Eggle, Blackstar, Faith Guitars, Peavey, Line6, Elixir Strings, Rotosound Strings, Roland / Boss, Diezel Amps, Bass Centre, Tokai, Shure, Mansons, LAG, Dean Guitars, 440 Distribution, Tanglewood, Tascam, Westside Distribution, JJ Guitars,Gardiner Houlgate, KFW Guitars, Swan Stand, Thunderplugs, rocano /Facelift, DV Mark, Maxon, Providence, lunstone, Emma Electronic, Darkglass Electronics, neunber音频效果,Caroline吉他公司,Two Notes, GTC声音创新,地震设备,Ortega Guitars,Ormsby吉他,Davis放大,Gryphin安培,音乐和声音学院,Rift安培,Reiver吉他,Chickenbone John, Bulldog Pickups, Matamp, Flaxwood吉他,Cole Clark吉他,Bassics, Synergy Distribution, PJB, Sandberg,音频分销集团,Williams吉他,Turnstone吉他公司,AC吉他,声学中心,Brian May Guitars, Fane Acoustics, RabsWood Guitars, James Neligan Guitars, Riversong Guitars, EMD/WGC, Classic Case, cat Guitars, Crossrock, Music Nomad, Rapco Horizon, High Tech Distribution, Stand Made, James ' Home Of Tone, Crimson Guitars, Flame Guitars, Stone Wolf Guitars, Hathaway Guitars, Smooth Hound Innovations, Tuned Inn Publishing,RSM Custom Guitars, Druzkowski, Thorpy FX, SIMS Custom, RCF, Fairdeal Music, PMT, MSL Professional, Fret Funk, Warman Guitars, Patrick Eggle Guitars, The Fretboard, Little Guitar Shop, Reflex Print, Rob Williams Guitars, ACS, Strings & Things, SLead, Gartone Amps, Guitar & Bass magazine, Madison & Fifth, Heistercamp, Twin Stomp, GuitarGuitar,你,索努斯,哈利吉他公司。


