
红辣椒 - 无限的爱情评论:普罗斯儿子约翰弗鲁斯·弗鲁斯特返回



红辣椒 - 无限的爱情


With Frusciante back in the fold, RHCP have rediscovered their dynamism and delivered an occasionally thrilling guitar record.

Few bands can comfortably resurrect the defining qualities of their former successes while still demonstrating an eagerness to expand their musical language. But acrossUnlimited Love, 这红辣椒巧妙地重新点燃他们原来的动态的锤击剧,他们的无线电占主导地位的电影广度经过The Wayera, as well as the subtler characteristics of more recent releases, such as 2016’sThe Getaway

虽然那个唱片 - 辣椒的最后 - 特色的吉他手Josh Klinghoffer填写乐队的Wordward Lynchpin约翰弗鲁斯基累德Unlimited Love后者的exalts已久的返回。Frusciante的复出占据了音乐(Spotlight吉他时刻每隔几分钟)和精神的记录,因为辣椒的主要男人Anthony Kiedis'抒情的预困难倾向于统一,分辨率和爱情的主题。


首先加入18岁的乐队,在智利第一个吉他手中死亡之后,Frusciante的独特节奏竞争成为早期成功的核心组成部分Mother’s Milkand 1991’s iconicBlood Sugar Sex Magik。虽然突然上升致羞于1992年引领John戒烟,其次是一个被记录的黑暗补丁,他在海洛因成瘾中挣扎,Frusciante的第一个返回产生了乐队最大的胜利。这个纪录的Trilogy,从1999年开始Californication,透露Frusciante是世界上最具活力和创造性的吉他球员之一。

来自这种紫色贴片的无线电友好歌曲的无处不在,包括Scar TissueThe Zephyr Songand雪(嘿哦),证明了一个成熟的音乐职业。在2009年再次离开乐队,Frusciante的独奏工作允许他探索电子牧场(作为Trickfinger)。但在2020年Strat- 带来了对慈尼斯的才能,承诺新材料的承诺。

红辣椒 - 无限的爱情

“What I found exciting when I started playing with them [again] is to see what I could do with a guitar,” Frusciante told声音的后果在2020年。“对我来说,过去12年来,吉他只是我练习音乐的东西,这不是我所做的音乐的那么重要。所以这就是你可以从斯塔蒂科斯机中拉出多少不同世界的想法。“

17轨道Unlimited Loveis the end result of this (covid-delayed) reformation. Across its considerable runtime, Kiedis,跳蚤那Chad Smith and Frusciante’s obvious glee can be felt across every bar. Starting with the shimmering, chorus-washed chords ofBlack Summer,这个基础是Frusciante的第一个蓬勃发展:一个灼热的引线吉他独奏在混合中摇晃着,覆盖着他的家庭的风格。一个黑暗和情绪基础允许建设在这里永远吡啶,金属ish riff,而水生口舞establishes a recurring template that veers between staccato funk verses and a widescreen,Beach Boys-esque chorus.

Image: Press


专辑的个性不断转移,但它避免了钝器变化。事实上,风格纹理之间的对比是其关键轨道的标志。合成型b脱掉电子伪装,揭示窗帘后面的声学,民间摇滚巫师,配有扎多利的滑块吉他,而退潮和流动Not the One具有与飙升的20世纪70年代动力民谣不同的质量,Frusciante部署长笛卷肿胀,以增强其复古的美学。

Frusciante的语气在整个千兆镜片中,尽管他认为,他认为,凌晨眨眼的清洁色调She’s a LoverWhatchu Thinkingand单向行驶), and he delivers those quintessentially slick hammer-ons (These Are The Ways)。

吉他手在令人着色的令人着迷上滴下旋转颤音的色调Veronica那laser sharp wah on the vivid海报孩子,加上一些美味的松然攻击。

其中两个记录最令人难忘的剪切坐在专辑的中间部分附近。伟大的猿finds Frusciante administering his fiercest, most ear-savaging outburst to date, while andIt’s Only Natural’s three solo sections, building out from a delayed C sus bedrock, allow for a trio of radically different breaks: a stately clean-toned lead; a high-register spine-tingler; and painterly feedback that creates a ghostly texture.

While the record’s length may be an issue for some, with offerings like the clunky单向行驶not matching up to its strongest moments,Unlimited Love乔伊·德里的感觉在唤醒时留下了发光的感觉。“When I’m with you, I feel like myself”, Kiedis sings atop album closerTangelo’s delicate acoustic arpeggios. It’s tempting to read this as a reflection on the reforging of Red Hot Chili Peppers’ prime line-up. With Frusciante back in play, the California quintet have rediscovered a dynamism that exceeds that of bands half their age.

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