


“哦,在英格兰”浪漫化了19世纪的诗人罗伯特·布朗宁(Robert Browning)家庭想法,来自国外。布朗宁在整个19世纪的一个特别持久的想法上建立了一个未受破坏的牧师天堂的激动图像。那是绿树成荫,安静的村庄的吸引力,充满了twitter鸟,并被滚动的绿色田野所包围。这是一种在工业革命的烟灰染色时代具有可理解的共鸣的图像。这是一个想法,即这种景观的纯度与灵魂共生。这种想象的和平反映了一种生活的简单性,这种生活被逐渐侵蚀,因为进步的贝尔奇塔重新形状了。

这是对田园幸福的类似追求,大约125年,落后于纠结decision to veer away from the exhilarating proto-metal and barbed character studies they had become famed for, and pen an LP that many would consider to be their magnum opus. Dominated by an acoustic-driven sound,The Kinks Are the Village Green Preservation Societywas a conscious attempt by lead songwriter Ray Davies to not only rekindle and document the lost innocence of his suburban youth, but to flip the increasingly rebellious spirit of rock’n’roll on its head. While smart money might have been on the four-piece riff merchants following suit with many of their contemporaries, crank up their amplifiers and carve out a niche as heavyweight electric bluesmen for a new decade, The Kinks instead stood alone in proclaiming themselves the defenders of authentic – distinctly British – ideals. In the album’s opening manifesto, Davies spelled out their new contrarian calling. This was a band that was here to protect the ‘old ways’ from being abused.



唱片的概念起源于歌曲Village Green, first penned during sessions for the preceding albumSomething Else。Rolling through a shifting chord cycle in C minor, Davies poured out his desire to return to the whimsical lost paradise of his youth. “I miss the village green, and all the simple people.” Davies sang. The former deliverer of the lustful lyrics ofYou Really Got Me以及其他基于电力的桩驾驶员,现在正面临着名声的压力。现在,他走了同样的道路,通往一个想象中的天堂,以前是许多长死诗人的动力。

Upon hearing the sentimental gem, Dave Davies understood precisely what his brother was getting at, in what was then conceived as the bedrock of a solo project; “At this time, we were very close, and our families were very close” Davies toldFlood Magazine,“我们曾经一直互相见面,所以我很高兴该项目的许多故事和角色。在50年代和60年代,英格兰有很多古怪的东西 - 这些怪异而奇妙的英语事物是我们认为很正常的。”

遵循许多法律问题和臭名昭著的美国巡回演出的四年禁令,最终决定雷的Village Greenproject would instead serve as The Kinks’ sixth studio album. With global ambitions now parked, the whole band, including bass player Pete Quaife and drummer Mick Avory, wallowed in Davies’ Arcadian vision. “I just immersed myself in being English and wrote about things that I cared about… I was writing old people’s songs for a world I thought was vanishing” Davies was quoted as saying inRay Davies: A Complicated Life

纠结 - 扭结是村庄绿色保护协会

Sing Mr. Songbird

专辑的15首曲目的主要目的是由Ray的声学挡泥板Malibu提供,这是该公司在1965年推出的新预算模型,这对Ray受到了青睐。他很快选择将其用作他的主要歌曲创作乐器。以前在乐队最好的歌曲之一(朦胧)上听到了它的声音滑铁卢日落。戴夫·戴维斯(Dave Davies)选择使用Ray的'63 Sunburst使用专辑的一些电动吉他舔。电视广播员, his ‘59吉布森Vly-V以及配备Bigsby的公会Starfire III. While amp specifics are sketchy, the notably lengthy sustain heard on the proto-gothWicked Annabella绝对表明使用固态放大器,可能是挡泥板第一个60年代后期涉足晶体管技术。在其他地方,戴夫的可信赖VoxAC30 was certainly used as a reliable workhorse as the four set to work at Pye Studios.

尽管雷的声学和弦构成了大部分歌曲的基石,但决定本身可以在许多折衷的方向上发展。探索的许多样式将指向乐队在随后的几年中进一步调查的道路。诸如曲目的民俗浮力Picture Book,Animal Farm夏季的标题曲目是与沃德维利亚人,钢琴和和声领导的坐在河边, the calypso-like莫妮卡(配有阳光般的谐波中风)我所有的朋友都在那里和近临近的tee teePink Floyd- 安Phenomenal Cat。更不用说上述的怪异邪恶的阿纳贝拉和电蓝色 -大天空’s supportive riff.


唱片的第三首曲目,梯子Picture Book是唱片的歌曲之一,现在已经融入了公众意识中。尽管从来没有一个人。它的受欢迎程度可能取决于Green Day’s厚脸皮的即将来临的即兴演奏警告, and its use in 2004 on a Hewlett Packard advertisement. Nevertheless, it’s one ofVillage Green的关键作品。围绕E,A,D和G的四音高即兴即兴(由声学,电气和贝斯三倍)建造Picture Book的音乐构造具有隧道的途径,随着时间的流逝,雷(Ray)深入探讨了怀旧之井。这节经文的闪闪发光的垃圾是雷(Ray)扮演的(未指定的)12弦声学的结果。实际上,这是音乐优先的结构Picture Book’s arrangement which prompted its longing lyric “The whole magic of that track is that 12-string guitar and the snare drum with the snare off. It’s the way Phil Spector used to work – he had his sound and wrote songs to fit that sound.” he told表演词曲作者

The Kinks
图片:克里斯·沃尔特(Chris Walter) /线图像


Ray’s voluble acoustics sonically coalesce with the overriding theme of preservation and history, particularly on the record’s conceptual nucleus –Village Green。Its jovial arrangement also seems to conjure the spirit of an impish mediaeval balladeer.

但是专辑仍然找到了让戴夫·戴维斯(Dave Davies)有机会展示牙齿的空间。我们正在考虑疯狂的突破Last of the Steam-Powered Trains其中一位无情的戴维斯(Davies)聚集了愤怒的动力,并在他超级驱动的歇斯底里的引力中抓住了节奏部分。在吉他手的杰出人物中部署了强烈的即兴演奏和音调的催眠不和谐邪恶的阿纳贝拉, complete with overdriven crunches and ghostly tremolo swoops. “This is rather a crazy track.” Dave was quoted as saying in the33 1/3拍摄专辑,“我只是想让一个人听起来尽可能可怕。我想要一个粗鲁的声音 - 我明白了。”

These explosive moments aside, the immaculate arrangements of the (self-produced) record called for Dave to be generally much more considered in his approach. There’s high-octave punctuation applied to the sweetAnimal Farm, a delicate guitar line which takes overPhenomenal Cat, and demands that it re-structures itself to mimic滑铁卢日落悲伤的,下降的音符主题。有一个从合唱中旋转出来的杂乱无章我所有的朋友都在那里, and the elegant vocal melody-emphasising lick that tracksDo You Remember Walter?

绿色…找到两个戴维斯兄弟的最创造力。他们的音乐协同作用是正念,成熟和宏伟的。尽管它远非他们最吉他 -dominated专辑是专辑最优雅地纳入吉他的专辑。它通过雷的声学基础,用作增强钩子,挥舞着情感的音调雕刻师以及痛苦的中央脊柱。

Though its release, in November 1968, was initially met with confusion and rejection,The Kinks Are the Village Green Preservation Society风暴风暴。回想起来,Kinks的第六张专辑被正确地称为乐队最重要,最有意义的作品之一。通过在当代主题和音乐趋势之外采取有意识的步骤,专辑保持了自己的角色。精明的安排,尤其是用吉他术语来说 - 在很大程度上是为了生动地绘画。戴维斯(Davies)的理想化村庄绿色已被后代的耳朵重新发现。现在,这也许是一个更具吸引力的视野,因为完美的小英格兰的浪漫化图片变成了越来越淡出的记忆。

The Kinks
图片:克里斯·沃尔特(Chris Walter) /线图像


扭结,The Kinks Are the Village Green Preservation Society(Pye/Reprise,1968年)


  • Ray Davies. – Songwriting, Vocals, Acoustic and Electric Guitar, Keys
  • 戴夫·戴维斯(Dave Davies) - 主吉他,支持人声
  • 皮特·奎夫(Pete Quaife) - 贝斯
  • Mick Avory - 鼓
  • Nicky Hopkins - Mellotron


Wicked Annabella



