
Crossrock CRSG106E和CRDG300电气和原声吉他吉他评论


Crossrock Gigbags已经存在了一段时间,但由于Vigier,Framus和Warwick分销合作伙伴,高科技分销,在英国新近可用。Crossrock CRSG106E是一个衬垫的电吉他袋,旨在与您最喜欢的六弦螺栓一起使用,而CRDG300则是一个更大,更健壮的事务,适合于传统的声学,例如无畏之旅。





Following our best attempts to simulate the British climate by spraying both gigbags with a water bottle, neither proves particularly water resistant, but a light shower probably won’t penetrate the exterior of either product, particularly the acoustic bag, as its thick padding creates a greater physical barrier than than the electric one’s 10mm protection.

CRDG300肯定在填充方面令人放心 - 泡沫厚但鱿鱼,侧面具有半刚性的结构,如果您将其运送到演出时,如果您将其敲打,这将是非常令人放心的。It’s worth noting that that the rigidity only really inspires confidence for sideways movement, and the neck area is quite pliable – though the foam neck rest will add rigidity, you probably wouldn’t want it to be in the back of a van or car with loads of other gear.

It’s also a weighty beast – easily doubling the heft of our tester dreadnought, but that’s the price you pay for the reassurance of the semi-rigid construction, though it’s a shame there’s not a bit more padding in the rucksack-style straps to offset this.
Crossrock CRSG106E&CRDG300电气和原声吉他gigags另一方面,CRSG106E是您想要的轻便,并且不会为我们的测试人员Les Paul,Tele和Strat在Transit中增加任何重量。The tradeoff, of course, is that it doesn’t provide a great deal of protection, the carry handles are practically unpadded, and asides from a small nylon cushion at the heel, there’s not much to keep it safe if you knock it on the sides.

For their respective prices, both of these bags are decent options – if your electric didn’t come with a gigbag and you need one to take the guitar out with, the CRSG106E is a no-frills option with enough storage to keep your accessories in, and even a small pedalboard.
The CRDG300 is a much more reassuring proposition – while the weight might not make it an option if you’re needing to take it on a long journey, it will keep your guitar safe from knocks and small drops if you’re schlepping it on public transport or in the back of a car to gigs and rehearsals.

Crossrock CRSG106E



Crossrock CRDG300



