
Guitar Tales: How the ‘Shirtless Guitar Boys’ Godwyn and Ricky bringing a unique twist to Afrobeat fingerstyle


Back in 2019, I had just started Fingerpickers In Africa, and was busy hunting for my fellow fingerstyle guitarists on the continent. In the course of this search I foundGodwynon Instagram and later on the same year we played together for Johnny Drille in Kigali. When we hung out, it was clear that Godywn was someone who takes pride in keeping himself at peak fitness, and is always making sure he’s hydrated with water and cucumber.

That might not be the most rock ‘n’ roll thing for a musician to imbimbe, but it’s important – not only because it helps him to stay healthy and productive, but also ensures that he’s looking on point when he and his brother瑞奇花边正在为Instagram追随者大军在吉他上表演一些Afrobeat音乐。是的,我光着膀子说。

Godwyn(又名Godwin Ufot)和Ricky(上帝的最爱UFOT)都来自尼日利亚南部,特别是Akwa Ibom。他们在尼日利亚的拉各斯一起长大,在那里他们开始弹吉他。




However with their acoustic guitars Godwyn and Ricky have added value to the industry in their own unique way with their immense guitar skills. For Godwyn, it also keeps him on his toes to keep getting better. “There is a lot of demand and it keeps me steadily learning and growing!” he adds.




“Honestly playing the guitar was just a hobby and seeing things turning like this wasn’t planned,” Ricky adds “I studied mechanical engineering in school!”


Godwyn被介绍给Instagram并注册了,他开始发布短片播放,他在Instagram上的前几个视频开始进行大量参与。188金博提现然后有一天,他从顶级音乐专家那里获得了DM,这也许是尼日利亚和整个非洲最具影响力的音乐人物之一,唐·爵士(Don Jazzy)。

“他要我来他的工作室,制作我的第一个录音[承诺ft di’ja]大约在2015年,这就是我开始认真对待音乐的方式。” Godwyn回忆道。“在此之前,音乐只是一种爱好。从技术上讲,如果我将其与某些人如何成为众人瞩目的焦点,我会说这对我来说并不难。我必须遇到音乐大师Don Jazzy,并不是每个人都有这个机会。每年都有一些进步原子。”

For Ricky it wasn’t easy, at least initially: “My parents weren’t really in support of it at the time and wanted me to face my studies in school,” he explains. “Then people try to take advantage of you without paying and other experiences. But it was the little price to pay. When the opportunity came to me, I grabbed hold of it. People wanted someone skilled on the guitar like I was and here I am!”

Getting shirty

“到目前为止,我能说的一切都很好,”当我询问迄今为止的旅程时,Ricky笑着说。“回头看看我们来自哪里,作为一个团体和个人,我对此表示感谢。因为如果有人在三年前有人告诉我,我将接受采访, I’d say it was a lie!


光着膀子的吉他男孩成功的秘诀在于他们独特的非洲吉他风格融合了 - 一方面,您拥有Ricky的Afrobeat打击乐吉他风格,这是关于弹奏和节奏的吉他,并由Godwyn的甜美旋律弹奏。

当里奇(Ricky)是戈德温(Godwyn)的学生时,两人最初开始一起玩,并为戈德温(Godwyn)提供了彩排伴侣。这些历史悠久的兄弟与彩排伴侣一起演奏他的大哥哥 - 一位协同作用很快就发展出了长期以来一直涉足社交媒体的企业,这种渴望的根源是通过偶然性出现的。


“One day it was very got because of the weather, so we took off our shirts on a break to cool down and then shot a video and it came out nice!” Ricky chuckles. “Then Godwyn said we should go ahead and post it.”

光着膀子的吉他男孩远不止在Instagram上表演赤膊。两人还拥有自己的音乐学校,彩虹手指学院和他们自己的吉他表演,看到他们与演员和歌手rotimi合作(BossandPower在他的未插曲会议上,以及Oxlade,Alpha P和Johnny Drille等艺术家中,有几篇。

“I got a call to come vibe with an American artist who just came into Nigeria,” Godwyn reflects of their work with Rotimi, “I went with Ricky and as we vibed, he loved our energy and made a video that went super viral. He flew us to Ghana for his performance for Afronation and also got us to work on his acoustic project.”

Teaching is clearly a great passion for the two as well.

“The guitar school idea started some years back as there was an increasing need to duplicate my knowledge to others, so rather than do it individually, the idea of the guitar school came about,” Godwyn says. “My big bro Sam has always been supportive and also manages me and the academy alongside the online guitar shows. The guitar show idea was started by Ricky and the Live Acoustic Radio show was started by Sam, we all play major roles for the show success. Sam works with his team at Panda Impressio for the visuals, I make sure of the sound quality and also music arrangements and Ricky Lace handles the mixing and mastering stages. Everyone’s passionate about what they do and this makes the job quicker.”

When it comes to gear, the pair keep things minimal – just give them a guitar with a little reverb and they are good to go! They describe their creative process that they describe as not “rocket science” – they keep things as natural as possible.


The Shirtless Guitar Boys are currently working to release some of the performances on their Instagram properly recorded on streaming platforms. They dropped one already. And can be found by searching Godwyn or Ricky Lace on Apple Music, Spotify and other platforms.



