
Guitar Tales: Tommy Emmanuel’s Congolese CGP, Benjamin Caleb

In his latest column highlighting the next generation of exciting young African guitar talent, Deo Salvator profiles Benjamin Caleb.


“One of my biggest dreams is to live in Nashville one day,” says本杰明·卡莱布(Benjamin Caleb), who was born in the Congo in 1996, “because the songs that I’ve always loved, the artists I’ve always preferred, and the music that made me grow as a musician came from there. Nashville is the answer to my questions, artistically speaking. Nashville is the capital of my universe.”

卡勒布(Caleb)从17岁开始弹奏吉他。但是他成为一名出色,勇敢和专注的年轻球员,对挑剔产生了浓厚的兴趣 - 他通常从晚上10点到上午10点进行练习。


已故的标题“认证吉他手”构思切特·阿特金斯, and bequeathed by him to only four other guitarists:Tommy Emmanuel,约翰·诺尔斯(John Knowles),已故的杰里·里德(Jerry Reed)和Steve Wariner, with Paul Yandell later given the title by Atkins’ daughter. It’s a well-respected title in the world of guitar – so how come Caleb had the guts to add it to his name himself?

Caleb说:“因为我希望我的名字听起来像Tommy Emmanuel CGP。”“但是汤米(Tommy)的CGP是经过认证的吉他手,而我的刚果吉他手是。我对这个名字有一些问题,很久以前就把它删除了。”

然而,在2017年,卡莱布通过电子邮件向伊曼纽尔(Emmanuel)发送了电子邮件,告诉他他有多喜欢他的比赛。这位澳大利亚吉他手做出了回应,并说他很高兴听到非洲有未来的CGP,而且他对Caleb的名字添加了“ CGP”没有任何问题。“汤米告诉我,如果它可以赋予我继续前进的能力,那么他对此没有任何问题。然后我想出了刚果吉他手CGP。”

本杰明·卡莱布(Benjamin Caleb)CGP
Image: Press

Creative process

Caleb’s first love was closer to Spain than Tennessee. “One day my older brother who is a pianist introduced me to the world of music by showing me how to play guitar, and for a year I was a fan of Spanish music,” he says. “But one day I saw a Tommy Emmanuel video on YouTube – he was playing with my mentor at the time [Pedro Javier Gonzalez] and I immediately enjoyed everything about him! He was in motion. He tapped his foot and gave off different energy. Since then Tommy has become my hero, and I’ve been playing fingerstyle ever since.”

卡勒布的创作过程总是从一种感觉开始 - 在那一刻和生活。“我总是需要听很多触动我灵魂的歌曲,不仅要受到启发,而且要使这种感觉变成旋律,变成一个没有言语的故事,只是旋律。这些歌曲与我背后的故事和吉他演奏者的故事保持着专注。



When it comes to gear, Caleb doesn’t have much: just a Yamaha acoustic. But he dreams of owning a马顿。他说:“我一直像婴儿一样对待吉他。”“在我的房间里,我的吉他总是在床附近睡觉。

“我曾经有三把吉他,但是当我们在2021年逃离Nyiragongo火山爆发时,我决定没有两只吉他。我使用爱丽丝弦,Yamahastrings because they work so well with my guitar, and they give me good reverb and better sustain, plus I can play it easily and get exactly the sound that I’m looking for. Clean and deep – I call it the sound of chance.”

Coming from a country plagued by poor infrastructure, war, invaders, and volcanic eruptions is a threat to anyone trying to evolve. But life must go on. As a fellow guitarist and an East African citizen, I can imagine how hard it is for Caleb to get the best gear a professional fingerstyle guitarist is looking for. Grace be to his sound of chance.

Caleb is currently playing concerts here and there, as well as onInstagram。本杰明·卡莱布(Benjamin Caleb)CGP也继续为其他艺术家写作,最近为美国 - 古普雷斯歌手Divine Mosaka T。

然而,到目前为止,卡勒布职业生涯的亮点是乔·罗宾逊(Joe Robinson),特雷·亨斯利(Trey Hensley),莎恩·亨尼森(Shane Hennesen)和埃米尔·埃尔内布罗(Emil Ernebro)等吉他手的亮点,并说他是一个好演奏者。188金博提现对于Caleb来说,这是一个梦想成真。除了有一天到达田纳西州纳什维尔的圣地之外并为音乐做出许多牺牲。

现在,本杰明·卡莱布(Benjamin Caleb)比以往任何时候都更加与更多的汤米·伊曼纽尔(Tommy Emmanuel)CGP共享音乐分享更多的音乐,他正在建立自己的主场工作室,在社交媒体上培养观众,并在新闻通讯中获得介绍,甚至来自纳什维尔(Nashville)。结合他的纪律和激情,我相信本杰明·卡莱布(Benjamin Caleb)将展现他的梦想,以达到音乐城,并真正获得CGP冠军。



