
乔什·斯科特(Josh Scott)关于踏板演示如何欺骗:“总会有一条您看不到的信号路径”


JHS踏板创始人乔什·斯科特(Josh Scott)在每周的YouTube系列JHS节目中分享了他对吉他踏板演示的六个常见问题的看法。


Scott then explained why he felt guitar pedal demos are deceiving, with his first reason (in no particular order) being that due to people largely consuming YouTube videos, and thus pedal demos, through phone speakers and earbuds, “by the time you’re listening to the audio is not honest to the sound that’s coming out of the amp,” though he added that the issue was the least of the problems he had listed.



然后,他提出说,无论是吉他还是放大器,大多数玩家都不会使用相同的装备。“这仍然是一个因素。We just don’t have the same gear,” he explained, before also going on to state that individual playing ability is also a factor as more talented players like pedal demo experts Pete Thorn and Shawn Tubbs can “take a DOD Grunge and make it sound like five, six different pedals”.


斯科特(Scott)最近权衡富豪的报告关闭,所有这些对精品踏板行业意味着什么在8月下旬的JHS节目中。While he thought it was “interesting that this boutique era has this ideal [that] we’re gonna make things by hand, we’re gonna take more time with it, we’re gonna make fewer things,” Scott said of the closure, “I think that Fulltone signifies the ending of this era. There’s really nothing left.”


