
The Genius Of… Echo Park by Feeder

Kicking back against the encroachment of nu-metal and pop-punk in the early 2000s, Echo Park was bursting with Feeder’s strongest anthems.

他有一辆全新的汽车……看起来像捷豹……”. If you don’t know the rest, you probably weren’t a rock-obsessed British teen in the early 2000s. For more than 20 years,馈线红衣主教切割Buck Rogershas been a fist-in-the-air anthem. Its marriage of grunge-rock dynamics, hopeful yet oddball lyrics and its roaring guitar sound has made it the Newport band’s most beloved staple.

但是,对于饲养者的首席词曲作者格兰特·尼古拉斯(Grant Nicholas)来说,这是2001年前五名的单曲从来没有打算成为它成为的庞然大物。“Buck Rogersis so simple it’s ridiculous,” Nicholas later admitted to声音更大。“But it’s the simple songs that connect with people. Sometimes you hit a formula and it just happens. You don’t always have to like it.”

Buck Rogerswas the inaugural single from the band’s third record,Echo Park, which also sported the hitSeven Days in the Sun。虽然这个包裹的假日文档的爆炸性动力琴也陷入了公众的意识,但事实证明,它的流行程度远不如它的B侧,感染性的。只是一天。Released as a single in its own right at the end of 2001,只是一天capped a year that saw Feeder become one of the UK’s brightest guitar hopes.



在一年的无情巡回演出中慢慢组装,这些歌曲会构成Echo Park牢记更广泛的吸引力。但是该唱片的最大打击实际上并没有为馈线计划。实际上,格兰特一直在写骨头Buck Rogers, then a lo-fiPixies- 风格朋克演示,用于完全不同的服装,然后由Black Francis和Co的常规制作人Gil Norton主持。感觉到有些特殊的事情是冒泡的,喂食者选择自己保留它 - 并保持吉尔·诺顿(Gil Norton)的良好措施。

While commercial success was an undeniable target, Nicholas’s penchant for coming up with towering choruses – previously demonstrated on the likes of 1997’s lost gem高的– was balanced by a growing pessimism, borne out of a recent breakup. A mixture of moods was evident across the new material, spanning the likes of the assuredWe Can’t Rewind,安静卫星新闻和内省转动, each bringing more shades to the table.

格兰特(Grant挡泥板标志性的偏移吉他从小,正如他在2019年告诉我们的那样。“I just fell in love with the shape of it. I like guitars that have a little bit of weight to them, and also it being the longer scale. I love the Jag and the Mustangs, but the Jazzmaster just suited my playing more and suited my style.”

Throughout the writing ofEcho Park, Nicholas was keenly aware of the variety of tones that his 1964 Silver Jazzmaster could conjure – particularly when switching pickups mid-song – in combination with his pedalboard.

通过增强这些扩展的吉他声音,尼古拉斯(Nicholas)为安排带来了更广泛的乐器纹理。查看开瓶器的弯曲声音形状站在边缘,朦胧的声学Piece by Piece, 和Oxygen’s cloudy B minor arpeggios – all further coloured by high-pass filters, lo-fi drum loops and sci-fi synth leads, respectively.


馈线 - 回声公园

A place inside your mind

Released on 23 April 2001, the band beamed as the album sailed straight into the mainstream and secured a top-five placement in the UK album charts. Though meeting its objective, this fame resulted in a strange dichotomy for Feeder: they were suddenly alternative enough to grace the pages ofKerrang!,以及足够访问孩子的周六早晨图表表演CD:UK

Perhaps due to Feeder’s cultural position being difficult to define in the music media,Echo Park自发布以来的二十年中,人们一直被忽视。不过,对于当时的英国音乐迷来说,Feeder的第三张专辑是本土摇滚的牙齿的难以证明。和MuseAsh, Feeder stood up to the weighty powerchords of the era’s other guitar bands,Limp Bizkit,Linkin Park体制颠覆。辛苦Echo Parkcuts such as the punkyUnder the Weather, chainsaw closerBug和the ever-ubiquitousBuck Rogersbruised with the best of them.

但是,2001年的兴奋不会持续。次年,鼓手和创始成员乔恩·李(Jon Lee)自杀了。尽管损失是毁灭性的,但格兰特(Grant)和贝斯手塔卡·希罗斯(Taka Hirose)仍在继续。优雅Comfort in Sound, the pair built an album that channelled their grief into a touching tribute that also signalled their creative resilience.

但是,当我们想到喂食器时,我们不禁要回想一下那些头晕的日子Buck Rogers和its parent album soundtracked our after-school hang-outs. For many British kids, Feeder’s third LP juggled the power of contemporary alt-rock with wider textures to reflect something a little closer to home than the work of their US counterparts. With references to Devon and Nurofen Plus, Feeder’s songs made far more sense than the majority of the California-aligned MTV2 fare of the day.

While the critics in charge of the rock canon uphold the familiars, the是这个吗s, the白血细胞还有其他21世纪早期的岩石试金石,我们并不感到尴尬地承认Echo Park比他们所有的比赛都多。

Grant Nicholas of Feeder
格兰特·尼古拉斯(Grant Nicholas)。图片:Mick Hutson / Redferns


馈线,Echo Park(Echo, 2001)


  • Grant Nicholas – Guitar, keys, vocals
  • Taka Hirose – Bass
  • Jon Lee – Drums and percussion
  • Gil Norton – Production


Buck Rogers

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