
地震设备的杰米·斯蒂尔曼(Jamie Stillman)和朱莉·罗宾斯(Julie Robbins)与Sunn O合作))))

一旦您的名册登上50名员工,您仍然可以驾驶“精品店”国旗,并且您赢得了年度最佳企业出口商奖?EQD的杰米·斯蒂尔曼(Jamie Stillman)和朱莉·罗宾斯(Julie Robbins)的谈话保持了大型店里的小店态度。

Although he played guitar in several notable bands himself (Ohio hardcore outfit The Party Of Helicopters among them), Jamie Stillman mainly segued into the pedal-making business via his gig as tour manager for one of the world’s most popular indie bands of the 2000s, The Black Keys, which found him building pedals for pal丹·奥尔巴赫(Dan Auerbach)侧面的董事会。

在2004年或05年初在俄亥俄州阿克伦的地下室创立了地震设备之后,Stillman于07年发布了EQD的首个生产经营的踏板The Hoof Fuzz。他继续使用Black Keys直到2010年的Breakout Smash专辑兄弟,但是踏板业务迅速从一个项目升级为一家要求他全力关注的业务。



Stillman’s wife, Julie Robbins, joined the company full-time in 2011 as CEO to help him keep it all growing, bringing with her a wealth of business nous from her previous positions heading a talent agency and working in the banking industry, and EQD was driving full-steam ahead.

Throughout the boom, the brand became known as a company that wasn’t afraid to reinvent some beloved classics, while offering several fun and original new designs that nevertheless presented original and usable sounds, rather than merely shooting for the aural extremes for which some small makers strove as the field got more and more crowded. It was – and remains – a winning formula, and EQD has thrived.




While some of EQD’s pedals might seem rather ‘out there’ – consider the Afterneath reverb/delay, the Data Corrupter Modulating Monophonic Harmonizing PLL, or the Disaster Transporter SR modulated delay and reverb – each proves an eminently usable effect, with massive creative potential and pretty instantly gratifying results once you start turning some knobs.



“I’d rather turn a couple knobs and play through it and be like, ‘that’s what it does!’ That’s my personal preference and it’s also why we don’t have a lot of pedals where you’ve got to look at the manual to figure out a feature. I think there are more guitar players now who are more tolerant of those learning curves and MIDI-diving and stuff. I’m not one of them.”



“Another thing I battle with when designing stuff,” Stillman relates, “is you can kind of make any DSP-based pedal do anything – it can be a reverb, a distortion, a delay – but it can’t really do a good job of each one and it can’t use more than a couple at a time without making it this huge pedal. I don’t know, really, how useful all-in-one, small-format pedals are. I’d rather have one pedal that does one thing and does it well. And I kind of think the point of having this stuff is to add to making music more interesting or fun or whatever, not to try to solve a math equation.”

话虽这么说,尽管许多公司都在向Sonic Mayhem的外边缘推向关注,但Stillman仍然看到了很多对旧待机的爱,并且许多公司的负担正在做得很好:“我认为我认为我仍然看到新的踏板公司开始具有标准,就像大笨蛋,,,,或老鼠或管子尖叫器,或者只是常规的干净提升。我认为人们也不讨厌这些东西。人们仍然对此感到非常兴奋。”





“我一直在研究使用它八年的事情,几乎是出来的。几年前,我们做了一些纪录片,并快速拍摄了该踏板,称为Sonic Readucer。我们有围栏,我们有电路板,然后在最后一刻,我想:“这确实没有应该……”

“它返回到绘图板,我们仍在努力。每次我将其拿出来 - 就像每年一次一样 - 和它一起玩,就像最初的10分钟一样,我认为它很棒并且已经准备好,然后我发现了一些我必须回到的东西。”






瑞士的东西,”他毫不犹豫地宣称。“I made it initially just for my own – well, that can be said for a lot of things that we make – initially, just for my pedalboard and then got very excited about it, because it solves a tonne of problems that I’ve always had: with volume pedals, and being able to remove all of your effects out of the chain, reducing noise, making everything sound clearer. It exceeded my expectations and I was super happy about it. But when I first started trying to tell people about it, they were like, ‘So… it’s an A/B/Y box? A booster?’






在此类用户中,EQD最近设计和制造了一个踏板与美国无人机乐队Sunn O))))))),一个同名的变形在一个神秘的黑匣子中,带有两个脚步开关和房屋前面的旋钮。

“这是我们的第一个艺术家合作踏板,” Stillman说。“这是一次很棒的经历,他们掌握了一切。斯蒂芬(Stephen)是吉他演奏者之一,为踏板和包装做了所有的艺术品,他们直接在踏板的声音上工作,其中一切正是他们想要的。我制作了一个版本的踏板,然后给他们说:“这就是我喜欢的。’他们就像,‘不,这个是我们想要的!’而且我们几乎齐头并进地开发了这个踏板。它刚刚在[7月中旬]出来,其中的第一场比赛是1,000,它在六个小时内售罄!”



Stillman Hedges:“在我们谈论的内容之后,这真是太有趣了。”“我们带着管子的尖叫声出来!叫做羽毛。I came up with the idea when we were working on Palisades, so it’s an idea that’s been around since the Palisades development, so it is much more straightforward than something like that and has a closer sound to the traditional Tube Screamer than the Palisades does.”

“我描述的方式是,它更像是Tube Screamer的高保真版本。它使用JFET,输入和输出缓冲区,这只会使所有内容。它还有更多的存在和较低的噪音。它更大声,有更多的净空,声音是……我想说“更硬”,但这不是一个正确的词,因为它听起来并不“僵硬”。

“It has a three-way clipping switch, which gives no clipping for a clean boost, symmetrical clipping like in a Tube Screamer and asymmetrical clipping that’s sorta’ like a setting that I really liked on that Landgraff Dynamic Overdrive, it’s something similar to that. And the tone control is really useful all the way, it keeps more bass but there’s also more high end.


但是,不要将期待已久的EQD Screamer-like释放作为这家创意制造商的某种正确转向Normalsville的指示。




