

Rising above the din of 2000’s pervasive nu-metal noise, Deftones’ third record was a markedly more sophisticated affair. Built for longevity, the depths of White Pony were imbued with nuanced themes, immense, ear-slamming guitars and canny genre-twisting.

回顾流行音乐的历史时,很难找到像Nu-Metal统治电波那样奇怪时期的时刻。尽管嘻哈音乐和摇滚音乐在过去的几十年中取得了一些闪亮的结果(我们正在看着您不再信仰了and对机器的愤怒), that dim age roughly between 1998 and 2003 saw the heyday of acts who’d cherry-picked the gang-chic of hip-hop culture, mangled it with the macho heft of detuned metal guitars, and cobbled together an entirely distinct Frankenstein genre. Big on brash swagger, growling anger and backwards baseball caps. Though there were a few diamonds in this cultural rough, key figureheads of the genre tended to eject any emotional complexity that could undermine its frat-boy bravado.


然而,有一个乐队,这完全使这种看法落在了它的脑海。出现(至少在纸上)检查所有将它们整齐地插入任何NU-Metal DJ的播放列表中的盒子。加利福尼亚的Deftones与原始的自我毁灭性疏远一起搏斗的歌曲与同行大大超越了他们的同龄人,再加上周到的安排,这些安排逐渐发展为意想不到的渐进方向。经常滴入巨大的催眠吉他的灾难性洗涤中。到2000年,很明显,Deftones的手册截然不同。



出现在NU金属范式的中点,Deftones的第三张唱片White Pony是一个多方面的声明,面临着迫在眉睫的新世纪的疲倦的不确定性。这是一个乐队的产物,他们已经花了十多年的时间来巩固他们的声音和听话的追随者。

Formed in 1988 from childhood friends Chino Moreno, Abe Cunningham and Stephen (‘Stef’) Carpenter, Deftones’ early music originated from the buzzing alternative scenes of California’s capital city, Sacramento. Though a keen skateboarder and regular attendee of hardcore punk shows, the young Chino wasn’t one to be easily pigeon-holed. He was enthralled by sparkling retro pop records from the likes of Duran Duran and the shadowy murk of治愈andDepeche Mode’s最好的材料。



随着阵容的众多变化以及多年在北美的无情演出,Deftones凶猛的第一张纪录,肾上腺素于1995年发行。确认现在四件服装的原始力量,肾上腺素’s best material balanced theESP- 斯特夫·卡彭特(Stef Carpenter)的运动不懈,失调的动力总和,并带有一些来自安倍·坎宁安(Abe Cunningham)的嘻哈风味节奏,而新成立的贝斯手Chi Chens则在低端保持了无懈可击的抓地力。


In cahoots with the band’s growing musical potency, Moreno’s ever-shifting, emotively performed vocals lurched from close-mic’d whispers to a hysterical, gnarled rage. A solid start to the story,肾上腺素was an alternative metal record that hinted at – rather than actively pursued – the expansive musical world waiting just around the corner.



Deftones的增长因其内在的随访而加速了在皮毛周围1997年,俱乐部最喜欢My Own Summer (Shove It)。到这一点上,乐队越来越厌倦了只是为寻求刺激的金属头堆积如山。Chino,Stef和Co决定在制作第三张唱片之前花比以往任何时候都多,并扩展到更广泛的音乐质地。

专辑#3的最初四个月写作过程发生在巡回演出的休息期间。Deftones现在建立的生产者Terry Date排队以雕刻结果。“他们有经验,有了钱,但现在(现在)他们的紧张局势,课外业务的紧张局势越来越多,你知道。”一切都在录制。“对它们施加了各种压力,因此每个人都感到压力更大。而且我认为,只要它专注于制作记录是秘密的调味料,这种压力就可以了。”

吉他手Stef Carpenter长期以来一直是乐队声音的核心。Carpenter是一个残酷的噪音,棘手的即兴演奏,棘突的潮汐,棘突的潮汐,刺耳的潮汐浪潮以及能够像钉锤一样攻击乐器的能力,迄今为止,乐队的整个工作都脱颖而出。中White Pony,Carpenter - 与Cheng和Cunningham同时,重新考虑了吉他方法,以进行广泛的动态转移,而安排的响亮元素则更加平衡,较柔和,更令人喜好。

诸如闪烁之类的新曲目数字浴andRx Queen切换了他们的重点,以强调更大气的时刻,而不是响亮的部分。数字浴柔和的和弦的来回摇摆困扰着它的诗句,偶尔会出现混音边缘的谐音和谐波的how吟,然后在其合唱中将听众的头部抬低了听众的头部。这些安静/大声的动态通过一些整洁的处理强调了Boss在录制过程中,木匠对踏板受到青睐,尤其是FZ-2绒毛,这使那些巨大的合唱团污染了。

Deftones的Stephen Carpenter
Image: SGranitz / WireImage

Carpenter证明,在提供耳朵震动的安排方面,他仍然没有懒惰。诸如恶性之类的曲目Elite和末日金属重量韩国试图提醒听众,首席吉他手 - 现在探索他七弦定制的ESP SC-607男中音的无人机潜力 - 仍然有咬人。

Through the bulk ofWhite Pony, the tone of Carpenter’s ESP was captured usingemg81个拾音器,并通过他可靠的钻机漏斗MarshallJMP 1 and ADA-MP1 programmable preamps, outputted through a robust Marshall 9200 valve power amp. Stef was also entranced with the digital processing potential of a第6行Pod已在未来几十年成为他的机架的可靠中流台。

对于这张唱片的发散声音而言,这一切都变得显而易见,这将使他们的前两张唱片的紧密伤口金属偏离。多种曲目刀子and monumental gothic masterpiece改变(在苍蝇的房子里)带来了一些内部紧张局势,尤其是当莫雷诺(Moreno)自己开始提供吉他零件时。

“最初,我认为我的想法并不是我要在唱片上实际播放。”莫雷诺承认吉他世界。“Then I remember Stephen specifically saying, ‘Dude, if you’re going to play it in practice, then you’re going to play on the record!’ and I was like, ‘Oh, okay… If that’s cool with you!’ I don’t think he was too happy about it, to be honest, then.”

Though ESP offered Moreno a custom Viper guitar, Moreno soon decided to go his own way, and opt for a吉布森SG标准以建立一些White Pony’s大多数吸收的吉他冲刺。


Another crucial element in the developing sound ofWhite Ponywas the full-time addition of turntablist and synth player Frank Delgado. Though it may have appeared that the recruitment of a full-time DJ implied a more nu-metal-aligned direction, Delgado’s conscription was spurred more out of a desire to weave similar grooves and aural flavours to those found on the downcast vibes of trip-hop acts like Massive Attack and DJ Shadow.

This experimental attitude fed into some of the record’s most crucial moments, such as the skittering, ruffled beats found on the regretful青少年。These beats underpin some crackly acoustic guitar arpeggio-loops. All of which were coated with a warm tape hiss that evoked an unsettled nostalgia. Another demonstration of Deftones expanded genre-pool came later, with the kaleidoscopic, Maynard James Keenan-guestingPassenger,一种不祥的结构,充满了恶魔,多云的电子产品。

随着专辑的宽敞角色形成,某些清晰的抒情主题也开始出现。一个主要的是吸毒的侵蚀影响 - 随着乐队的名声增长,这增加了十倍。在整个唱片的运行时间里,莫雷诺承认他的个性缺陷,使他的爆炸性爆发与更加安静的脆弱性之间进行了平衡。

Key examples include his lament for the destructive effects of addiction in all its forms on the record’s dense defining cut (and soon to be, to everyone’s surprise, the band’s biggest selling single)改变(在苍蝇的房子里),无能为力的人质角色Feiticeiraand his jittery attempts to evade an obsessive hanger-on inStreet Carp。这些不是吹牛,以自我为中心的主持人的歌词。反而,White Pony证明Deftones的中心人物在肩膀上具有不安和不确定的成熟体重。


Released on June 20th 2000,White Pony非常规的听力旅程令他们的标签Maverick感到惊讶。尽管专辑在广告牌排行榜上排名第三,但高管们对其流派的风味持谨慎态度,并担心这种流行钩spurning lp会疏远铁杆粉丝和休闲听众。该标签预测了最终的图表盘,使乐队迫使乐队用全新的单曲量身定制的单曲重新发行唱片,以适应当前的说唱/摇滚范式。

White Pony慢速建造 - 但最终史诗般的建设 - 更近粉红色的马吉特contained a memorable central section which, with a little last-minute re-jigging, became the main hook of an all-new opener for the record.返回学校(迷你马吉特)fulfilled the label’s pulse-taking criteria perfectly. The verse’s spewed-out rap lead listeners into the grand ‘push back the square’ chorus sequence, propelled by a Drop C-tuned, bar-chord tsunami from Carpenter.

后来,莫雷诺(Moreno)遗憾地鞠躬,对标签的要求感到遗憾:回到学校是一个错误。一首精通的歌曲仅考虑一个目标:它应该是单个目标。它被释放是因为我是个白痴。”(如在deftones.com上引用)。Despite these mixed feelings from the band, the track’s breathless rap spun a story of high-school alienation and self-acceptance, which coupled with that sublime, seamlessly stitched-in, chorus, led it to become a rock-club (and a skate-park) classic.回到学校作为一种完美的门户药物,将许多年轻的NU-Metaller引入更广泛的Deftones-Universe。

deftones的Chi Cheng
deftones的Chi Cheng。Image: Gary Livingston / Newsmakers


回到学校不是代表其余唱片的代表,这已经吸引了许多批评家的耳朵。“White Pony标志着总体疲倦格式的确定高点,这是这支有前途的乐队的积极进步。”滚石,而MTV总结了专辑的诱人吸引力。“乐队采取了一种沉重的幽闭恐怖气氛,其中莫雷诺在他的黑暗,个人的痛苦和令人心碎的故事中旋转着音乐的背景,从丑陋到美丽的音乐背景。”

As the years have passed, a growing number of commentators have reflected on the ensuing influence ofWhite Pony。“这张专辑改变了一切 - 不仅是为了Deftones,而且整体上是金属。现在,电子产品在整个歌曲中都编织在一起,这些歌曲被放大侵略性,但也退后一步,反思了瘀伤,有罪但迷人的。”冲突, 16 years on from the album’s release.

Though the imprecise black-hole of the nu-metal genre had often mis-cited Deftones as a key player in its development,White Pony诱人的音乐碰撞和原始的情感心脏赢得了整个类型谱系的尊重。乐队还将为Grammy提供最好的金属性能(用于野蛮的攻击Elite),这增加了合法性的点头。

“We didn’t really pay much attention to [nu-metal]. I remember when these subgenre names didn’t exist. It was just metal,” Stef Carpenter reflectively told金属锤。“So I don’t think [withWhite Pony] we made a decision to step away from it – we’ve never paid attention to what anyone else was doing. We just did what we thought was right, and tried to make a killer album.”

Deftones的Stephen Carpenter
Deftones的Stephen Carpenter。图片:Jeff Kravitz / Filmmagic,Inc


Deftones,White Pony,Maverick 2000


  • Chino Moreno – Vocals, Rhythm Guitar
  • 斯蒂芬(Stef)木匠 - 主吉他
  • Chi Cheng - 低音
  • 弗兰克·德尔加多(Frank Delgado) - 键盘,转盘
  • 安倍·坎宁安 - 鼓和打击乐器
  • 特里日期 - 制作人



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