


吉布森的漫长而杰出的历史散布着公司实验新事物的例子。有时,就像莱斯·保罗或ES-335,这些实验得到了回报,并取得了很大的最初成功。其他人,例如Flying V和Explorer,是后来的完全失败,被正确地视为经典和标志性的吉他。


但是,您必须尊重该行业中最受尊敬和历史悠久的品牌之一,即使人们恳求他们不这样做,也是如此。这些实验可能不是新的Les Paul,但它们当然很有趣 - 这是您可能忘记的Gibson Vault的八支吉他。



Gibson Sonex
Gibson Sonex

Sonex于1980年首次亮相,取代了《掠夺者》和S-1吉他线。在推出时,这是有史以来最便宜的吉布森系列。它具有类似于Les Paul的身体形状,与Les Paul系列相似,这些形状是不同的模型 - Deluxe [$ 299],Standard [$ 375],Custom [$ 449]。1981年,该标准从阵容中删除,并取代了这位艺术家,该艺术家的价格为749美元,并以固定的脖子和主动电子设备为特色。该习俗在1982年停产,到1984年,生产的最后一年,只有豪华。这些模型都带有吉布森(Gibson)的肮脏手指拾音器,除了豪华型号,它使用了由比尔·劳伦斯(Bill Lawrence)设计的称为“天鹅绒砖”的皮卡,他当时在吉布森(Gibson)工作。吉他的脖子上有一个螺栓,当时的吉布森有些不寻常。

The really experimental part of the Gibson Sonex guitars was the construction of the body. Gibson dubbed it The “Multi-phonic” body. It was essentially a chunk of tonewood (usually mahogany, but allegedly some were maple) encased in something Gibson called Resonwood – a synthetic material that was said to mimic the acoustic tonal and resonant properties of wood.


Sonex系列中实际上还有另一个名为GGC 700价格为599美元。它与Sonex系列中的其他吉他有所不同,因为它实际上具有坚固的桃花心木体和胶带。


Gibson Corvus
Gibson Corvus


从1982年到1984年,Corvus仅进行了两年的时间。它们有三种不同的变化,即Corvus I [一个Humbucker],Corvus II [两个Humbuckers]和Corvus III [三个单线线圈]。由于其非正统的形状,它通常被称为“开罐”吉他。

全部three Corvus models featured bolt on necks, although another version of the guitar did feature a set neck – that guitar was marketed as the Gibson Futura. This created a lot of confusion because The Gibson Futura was the working name of the prototypes that would later become the Explorer. Only three of those prototypes are known to be in existence and they are highly sought after, the same cannot be said for the set-neck, can opener guitars marketed in the 1980s.

Gibson Futura
Gibson Futura

The Corvus, along with the Sonex, Marauder, and many other unique models came to define Gibson’s Norlin Era (1970-1984) as being regarded as a relatively dark time for Gibson guitars. Clearly however, it was also a time where we saw a lot of unique ideas come out of the Gibson brand, which isn’t always a bad thing.



这款Les Paul形斧头是吉布森(Gibson)的第四次尝试,在HD.6x-Pro Digital Guitar,The Robot Guitar和The Dark Fire之后创建技术上优越的“超级吉他”。这是从2010年至2011年制成的,价格为4,128美元。人们为吉布森(Gibson)为这把吉他提供了很多拳头,尽管许多批评是有充分根据的,但它可能是吉布森(Gibson)制作的最声音最多的吉他。

它缺少经典的Les Paul的雕刻顶部,但具有可编程的拾音器,可以链接到Gibson Computer界面,该插件可以使您以一些非常独特且有趣的方式调整音调。尽管看起来只有两个Humbucker,但它们是可切换,可敲打和拆开的 - 您甚至可以调整界面中的响应特征。吉他还配备了一个压电拾音器,可以使用拾音器选择器开关进行混合,因为开关上的旋钮也可以用作表盘。

Thanks to Gibson’s much-maligned Robot system, the guitar tuned itself as well. All you had to do was select a tuning on the control knob and then strum the strings and it would tune the strings for you – the machine heads would move and everything. Another bold visual choice was the large oddly shaped chromed pickguard and pickup rings. Gibson only made a limited run of 1,000 of these guitars to test the waters. But the reaction was not quite on par with what Gibson had hoped so the idea was scrapped. They tried to find artists to endorse the guitar and boost its appeal, but nobody seemed interested. The guitar faded into obscurity, only occasionally popping up on the used guitar market.



Gibson SG GT仅在2006- 2007年制造。他们在时间的沙滩上丢失了一些,但是当Volbeat的主持人Michael Poulsen在成名时使用了短暂的受欢迎程度(他现在有几个,偶尔仍然使用它们)。只生产了大约2,000个。关于吉他的最引人注目的细节是桥梁,它有点像引擎盖勺,在吉他向吉他致敬的肌肉车上很受欢迎。他们还在肌肉车启发的颜色的背景下进行了白色赛车条纹 - 代托纳蓝,幻影黑,肌肉绿色,糖果苹果和糖果橙。



吉布森引文是一种美丽的华丽拱顶吉他,于1969年首次亮相并在1971年停止了最初的生产。它们是一个独特的模特,因为它们是订购的 - 这是在吉布森自定义商店成为自己的部门(1986年)之前。根据运输日志,吉布森在初次运行中仅发了八次引文。


引用是由吉布森总统当时设计的,斯坦利·伦德尔(Stanley Rendell)。还有另一个类似的,稍微少的华丽模型,称为Kalamazoo Award Model由Gibson Builder Nake Wilbur Fuller设计的,他从1978年到1984年就手工建造了他们。有趣的是,这些也是订购的 - 将牙套放置在牙套后,用橡胶槌来调整吉他的顶部和背部。他会从顶部雕刻出木头,然后支撑,直到听到正确的语气。他不得不将吉他分开,然后将其放回原处,直到感到满意。其中只有85个是制造的。

Smartwood Exotic系列

Gibson Smartwood异国情调系列
Gibson Smartwood异国情调系列

吉布森(Gibson)从90年代后期开始建造Smartwood Exotic系列吉他,并在世纪之交。Many years before the infamous CITES bust of 2012 and the subsequent battle with the government that yielded the ‘Government Series’ guitars that were made from some of the wood that had been seized and given back to Gibson, Gibson was actually working hard to find alternative tonewoods. The “Smartwood Series” featured slightly modified Les Pauls made completely from wood certified by the Rainforest Alliance. The guitars were priced at $1,299 and a portion of the proceeds were donated back to the Rainforest Alliance.

身体和脖子是由桃花心木制成的,但身体比标准的Les Pauls薄,并在身体的背部削减了浮雕。Smartwood系列由六种型号组成 - 所有Les Pauls,由Curupay,Peroba,Banara,Ambay Guasu,Taperyva Guasu和Chancharana组成。吉他是独一无二的,声音很棒 - 较薄的身体也导致体重的急剧减轻。Smartwood Exotics系列是一项非常酷的努力,但不幸的是,2012年的Cites Bust蒙上了阴影,并在很大程度上被遗忘了。还有一个Smartwood Studio系列,配以大麻吉他表壳。我相信那些从2002年至2008年左右跑步的人。

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