
Bonamassa和野兽:与Bernie Marsden的'59 Les Paul接近

Bernie Marsden的主要挤压是最着名的1959年最着名的LES保罗标准之一,其在Whitesnake Mega-Hits中的作用被妥善了解。但是野兽近距离和个人都真的很想?与其他爆发相比,它如何堆叠?我们问一个男人们扮演了一些。

“某些齿轮 - 它不一定是'59les paul.- 有额外的10%,“Joe Bonamassa.opines。“So say there’s a Les Paul you want to buy from the Custom Shop, or from the USA production line, if you take 10 and go through them you’ll go, ‘That’s good, that’s good, that’s good… that one’s exceptional’.


“I have guitars close to it in serial number – his is 1914 and I have 1948, 1949, 1951 and I used to own 1953 – and I’ve played a bunch of others in the 1900s, but Bernie’s is earlier in the run, and the guitars towards the 1940s and 50s in terms of serial number have a different top. The earlier ones have a similar top – 1928 has a similar top to Bernie’s, so it’s a different batch. But his just has this X-factor that you just go, ‘It’s exceptional’.”


鉴于野兽在终身时间里撞到了多少道路里程,这是显着的吉布森吉他从未遭受颈部休息。BONAMASSA同意:“它有很大的旧功能,他扮演了死亡......地狱,他曾经在他妈的飞机下检查它,它仍然有篮子附着 - 惊人!


“你必须学习加里摩尔- 他得到了追尾!它仍然在原案中!我就像,'伙计,让我给你一个保护案或什么 - 让我们不要过度测试命运!“”
