
BB King的“ Lucille”吉他,以280,000美元的价格拍卖


更新(9月23日):BB King的舞台演奏了Gibson ES-345“ 80”原型Lucille Guitar在“ B.B. King of B.B. King的房地产”拍卖中的价格高达280,000美元。在Julien的拍卖Facebook上查看完整的拍卖列表

One of BB King’s go-to stage guitars – a prototype version of his Gibson 80th Anniversary Lucille model – is to go up for auction in Los Angeles next year, along with a host of the late blues legend’s personal effects, most notably an old Harmony acoustic guitar signed by Les Paul.



The modified ES-345 was created by Gibson in 2006 to celebrate BB’s 80th birthday – just 80 were made available to the public, but this prototype was kept by the King Of The Blues, and was used as his primary stage guitar up until his death in 2015.

This 80th Anniversary Lucille differs to a standard ES-345 thanks to a lack of F-holes (as BB preferred), a special crown-logo’d gold-edged scratchplate, custom ‘BB’ pickup covers and a headstock blinged up with pearl, including the legend ‘BB King 80’.

As you’d expect for a guitar legend, the auction features several other lots that will be of interest to guitar fans, most notably an old Stella Harmony acoustic guitar, which was given to BB by guitar and recording innovator Les Paul, and signed with the inscription, “To BB, I hate to part with this, Les Paul”.

这些乐器是在拍卖中出售的一系列个人物品的一部分,包括舞台服装,珠宝,手表,也许是他2010年的Savana G35 Touring Van。





