
介绍……罗西·塔克(Rosie Tucker),地下宠儿制作了关于甜味,砂砾和酷儿自我发现的歌曲


最近,罗西·塔克(Rosie Tucker)已经讲述了一个关于电篱笆的故事。当一个好奇的孩子在伊利诺伊州的祖父母农场的外面漫游时,他们(Rosie使用他们/他们的代词)将手伸出并抓住了电线,让卡片掉落在可能的地方。“它像上帝一样袭击,像肉一样燃烧,就像奇异热中的栅栏中的河流一样,”他们唱歌芭芭拉·安,他们最近的唱片的开瓶器吸盘至高无上

这是一首关于工业粮食生产的歌曲,它与甜蜜和毅力,孕产妇的毅力和酷儿自我发现相同。在这种景观中,篱笆是塔克(Tucker)渴望更好地理解自己的速记,培养完全是自己的体验并存在于宗教教养的严峻之外的经历。最终,这项事业使他们进入了音乐:第一个广播主食,然后是乐队Geek Stuff,后来的Au Revoir Simone,Vivian Girls和AnaïsMitchell,以组装搜索的独立摇滚,使他们成为地下宠儿。




吸盘至高无上这是塔克(Tucker)的镰刀旋律和独立摇滚吉他作品的郁郁葱葱的唱片,与巡回队友杰斯·卡伦(Jess Kallen)分开。由朋克重量级墓志铭发布,它搁置了塔克(Tucker)早期作品的一些碎屑,而不会失去对他们最好的钩子的非怪物魅力和多节奏特质。

塔克承认:“继续与许多相同的人合作对我们来说是一件大事。”他指出鼓手杰西·里德(Jessy Reed)和制片人沃尔夫(Wolfy)的贡献,他们在写作过程中也贡献了吉他线条。

“For this record we did the drums in a studio, but that was it, and the last record we did some of the recording in the studio that Wolfy works in. Having a producer who’s also a capable engineer makes it so that we can have this really small crew. I think that also allowing creative relationships to last longer [plays a role]. Some people really like to collaborate quickly, or with multiple people. I think that’s very cool, but I’m kind of a slow guy. I think allowing creative relationships to blossom over time means that you’re figuring out less stuff from record to record. You’ve already learned about each other’s styles, in a way. That enabled us to aim a little higher this time.”


罗西·塔克(Rosie Tucker)




“我花了很长时间才能写歌,在内部,我非常依恋这首歌刚刚发行的时候。但是有歌神的食物, I think I had a piece of it for six months and then wrote another piece, and then another few months went by and I pasted them together and went, ‘I guess this is a song.’ I think it takes a long time to get a little bit of stuff because I think songs need to be concise, or else what’s the point? That’s what’s so magical about them. They’re almost like little mechanisms, like little wind up toys or something, where the melody and lyrics have to come together.”


塔克(Tucker)的策略从16岁左右开始就在现场。他们说:“我的哲学一直是我必须学习如何使它听起来不错,然后才能购买另一种吉他。”“There’s nothing wrong with having a bunch of gear but I think not everybody who says that they’re a gearhead really has any idea what it’s doing for them beyond the enjoyment of swapping things out, which again is totally fine if you’re not being a jerk. There’s no wrong way to enjoy your music. But I have the Strat, one acoustic with steel strings, one with nylon strings, and then a really cool older挡泥板野马低音。而已。”

罗西·塔克(Rosie Tucker)



“She said, ‘Well, no one wants to play bass, so if you play bass you’ll be in a band.’ I told some people I played bass, and then I was in a band,” Tucker says with a smile. “For a long time I had that duel where I was playing guitar by myself and learning songs, and then playing bass with other people. I think that’s a nice perspective on arranging and band music – you learn a lot from playing bass. You work to integrate all the parts of a rock band together, and to not be in the way too much.”

Tucker’s music is quite clearly descended from this early education – these songs are proper songs, no loose threads or empty digressions – but there is also an unfussy, celebratory energy that might be traced back to the release they found once they had cinched a bass at their waist and started off in the direction of bouncing their ideas, and desire to make a noise of their own, off like-minded people.




罗西·塔克(Rosie Tucker)吸盘至高无上现在已经过去了墓志铭